Chapter 1

On a clear June morning, sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, gently waking Camila Blinking away her sleepiness, she shielded her eyes from the glaring light and struggled to sit up in bed.



A pounding headache!

Her whole body ached!

Robbing her eyes, she looked around and was startled by the unfamiliar surroundings. This wasn’t her bedroom. Where was she?

At the sight of her bare body, her mind came to a halt. She rubbed her forehead, desperately trying to force her memory to function. She

hoped to gain some recollection of her past, which was stubbornly hiding within the depths of her confused mind.

Slowly, the previous night’s events began to replay in her brain. She had caught her boyfriend in the act at a brot h e l.

her, explaining that after

ended it right there and stormed out. Her best friend had dragged her to a

found herself drinking alone. Soon, she was approached by a sleazy man. Slightly under the influence, Camilla reached out, her hand closing around the

spun as she abruptly turned to see a man

she recalled the intimacy of the previous night, her cheeks burned hot. Had she lost her mind?

for regrets. She needed to get out of here.

slipped out of bed. Her legs gave way, and she fell with a thud. She quickly covered her mouth to stifle any sound. She searched


tiptoed to the

clutching the shirt tightly for fear of

bed was staring straight at

night, under the dim bar lights, she only knew he was tall. Now, she could see him clearly-gorgeous hazel eyes, a prominent nose, rugged yet refined features, and a jawline that flowed smoothly,

out, grabbing a prime catch on a

a calm smile and said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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