Chapter 3

Camila waited anxiously in the hospital corridor for her test results. She kept glancing at her watch, feeling for the first time that time was crawling by She stood up, sat down, and repeated the process over and over.

Finally, the results were in. She clutched the report tightly, her heart filled with trepidation as she walked into the consultation room-

The doctor took the report from her hands and examined it carefully Camila’s heart raced, her eyes fixed on the doctor, her hands tuming white as she clenched them under the table.

After reviewing the report, the doctor looked up and said, “All eight common tests for STIs are negative, including HIV. However, HIV has a window period of 2 to 6 weeks. I’ll prescribe you post-exposure prophylaxis. Take it once a day after meals, one pill at a time, for 28 days. It’s about 99% effective, but remember stopping the medication during this period can significantly reduce its efficacy. Come for a follow-up after you finish the course. I recommend another test after the window period for more accurate results.

“Thank you, doctor,” Camila nodded.

The doctor shook his head, saddened, “It would be a tragedy if you were infected. Please, go pay for your medication and collect it, and be more careful in the future *

Camila murmured an acknowledgment. No sooner had she left the health center than Erica called. Camila shared the test results with ber.

is just a way to protect yourself and buy some peace of mind. I’ll come over

home and sleep. Let’s… not meet

are you talking! Erica exclaimed angrily. “Would you cut ties with me if I had

her head, “Okay, I’m going home to take my medication and sleep. I

work tomorrow.”

fine, just don’t worry about all this

The next day, Monday.

her building, she noticed a red Porsche parked conspicuously at the entrance of her old apartment

a ride

the passenger seat, laughing. “You’re up at this

and grabbed a lunchbox from the backseat, handing it to her. “Trevor made breakfast Eat

so early, did you?” Camila chuckled, opening the lunchbox to find her favorites-pancakes, beef patties, scrambled eggs, and a bottle of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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