Chapter 12

After exchanging greetings, he unlocked the front door with the fingerprint scanner. Camilla followed him inside.

As they moved through the foyer into the living room, she was taken aback by the beauty of the space. The open, airy room was lit brightly, with floor to ceiling windows offering an unobstructed view of the stunning seascape.

*Mr. Connor is still asleep. You can relax in the living room for a bit. You’ll wake him around 8:15 for breakfast” David said as he set out the insulated boxes of breakfast on the table.

She nodded and took a seat on the couch, her eyes immediately drawn to a wall covered in famous paintings.

They were by a renowned contemporary artist, Peter, and she happened to be a fan. Each piece was worth millions, and all together, they were valued at over a hundred million.

Camila remembered last year’s financial report from the company. With the huge R&D costs, the profits had just barely topped a hundred million. It amazed her how extravagant her boss could be, and she shook her head in disbelief.

cup for Camila. The room was filled with its rich aroma, “Camila,

“Thank you, David.”

smooth with a hint of acidity and bitterness, not too overwhelming. After a sip, she set the cup down. She preferred her coffee sweet, and this was not

mocha. “David, could you teach me how to make coffee?” Even if it was just for a day’s work, she wanted to excel at her tasks, starting with learning how to

had made coffee for many secretaries

ask to learn.


at the thought that she had just drunk something excreted by

just chuckled in

wake Mr. Connor up. The door is unlocked. Just go right in,” “Mr. Connor is not a morning person, and if he seems moody, please don’t take it personally,” he added. “Understood.” Camila was me n t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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