Chapter 67

The Chief walked in leisurely with his hands behind his back and glared at the deputy chief, his voice icy. “If you can’t handle even this minor issue, you can forget about ever getting promoted.”

The deputy chief’s face turned ashen. After years at the grassroots level, the position of chief was almost in his grasp, just one official document away, and now this had to happen.

He swallowed hard and began, “Chief, there’s been a misunderstanding, these two are father and daughter.”

“Father and daughter? I heard from the front desk he was here to pick up Tabitha?” the Chief questioned.

The deputy chief desperately signaled to Marc.

“Chief, the thing is, her mother and I are divorced, but she is indeed my daughter.”

Camila scoffed, “For over twenty years you’ve ignored me, never paid a dime in child support, what kind of father–daughter relationship is this?”

“Camila, you keep quiet and do not stir up trouble at this crucial moment.” Marc glared at Camila angrily.

The Chief stepped beside Camila and faced Marc. “Watch your tone. This is a police station, not your house. You assaulted someone in public. Do you have no regard for the law?”

a smile. “Chief,

“Speak here.”

choice, Marc whispered, “I own the Sherrill Supermarket, and we have several large stores in the city. Do me a favor, and

flicked his ear, his expression one of disdain. “Even your grand talks don’t

awkwardly in

so great about that? The retail economy is struggling, and many have shut down, right?” Erica couldn’t help but mock.

glared at

is many times that of your store and you think you’re all that.

still don’t have a son!”


not for the Chief’s presence, he would have thrown a punch. He gritted his teeth, “Camila! What the hell are you blabbering

The argument escalated.

the video, his veins popping and an

is she now?”

mediation room. I’ll take you there.” The young officer immediately led the way.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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