Chapter 78

Alan bumped her shoulder lightly, “Honestly, Mr. Connor is quite good at martial arts. He’s a black belt in Taekwondo, and he’s also skilled in mixed martial arts and kickboxing. The local trainers can’t compare to him. You should ask him for some tips if you have


Camila was speechless. It was indeed Mr. Connor who had been teaching her personally, and she was nearly worn out by the rigorous training. To prevent Alan from overthinking, Camila quickly changed the subject and went downstairs to grab some lunch.

In the afternoon, Connor and Alan went out, and Camila stayed in the office to get some work done.

As the end of the workday approached, Camila gathered all the documents that needed signing and brought them into Connor’s office. Upon opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of all the blinds rolled up, with the evening sun casting a beautiful glow across the


Camila paused for a moment before neatly placing the documents on Connor’s desk.

When she noticed a photo of Haylie on the desk, she picked it up to take a closer look. She couldn’t help but admire it, “Haylie is truly stunning. I can’t believe Connor is into celebrities too. It’s so unlike his usual style.”

Just then, footsteps sounded at the door.

Camila looked up to see Connor entering, an unlit cigarette between his fingers, which he flicked towards her hand. Camila held her breath slightly, feeling caught in the act, and quickly put down the photo.

tinged with a hint of tobacco, a smell Camila hadn’t noticed

desk, and asked in a low voice,

that need your signature.” Camila’s hand lightly touched the

a brief look, “Alright, I see. Finish up and you can


the office, closing

desk for a few seconds before casually sliding it into a drawer. He walked over to the window and lit the cigarette

up her

mug to the kitchen to

done, she kn

“Come in,”

the door to Connor’s office.

to the coffee

I was thinking of joining a local class to practice Taekwondo and aim for at least a yellow belt.” Camila sensed that Connor was

not as good as the local trainers?” Connor frowned.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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