Sunday, Passos Estate.

"Ha!" With a shout, Emily pushed aside the cards in front of her, their crisp sound echoing through the room.

Emily was on a winning streak today, having won several games in a row.

"I lost again..." Rita lamented as she closed her deck. "If we keep playing, I might end up leaving all my pocket money here this month."

"Consider it a tribute to your aunt," Evelyn looked up and smiled at Rita. "I hear your bar is doing quite well. Rita's learning the ropes of business."

"That bar of hers is just a hobby," Victoria said with a helpless smile from the side, "She roped Connor into investing, and who knows when they'll break even."

Mrs. Weiss tapped lightly on the table, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "What the son invests, the mother reclaims."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Mrs. Kent laughed in her uniquely husky voice from across.

"Mom, you play." Rita pouted, pulling on Victoria's arm. "This round's on you. I'm going to find Connor."

"You lose and dump it on me," Victoria rolled her eyes.

looked at Emily. "Aunt Emily, is Connor in

him," Emily said calmly as she arranged her cards. "He's

pulled Victoria to her spot, resolutely stating, "Mom,

resignation. "What on earth did I give birth

ran off. She reached the second-floor

document he was reading and looked up. "Weren't you playing cards? What

showed a knowing smile,

remembered something important to

down and continued with

back to Connor, and tapping her fingers lightly on

counts as

contracted. He closed the document in his hands,

slightly as she cleared her throat and turned

with Camila, and we visited

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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