"I'm sorry..." Connor murmured. His body suddenly went limp. He completely passed out from too much drinking.

Camila struggled to contain her anger, trying to free herself from his weight, but Connor's body pinned her down, leaving her immovable. The romantic atmosphere that had just been there vanished, leaving only fury.

"This is just my luck! Thrown up on twice in a row!"

She managed to lay Connor down on the sofa, ensuring he was done vomiting, then quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom to wash off.

After changing into clean clothes, she walked back to the sofa. Connor lay quietly on it, his face still marked with traces of vomit.

She sighed, grabbing a damp towel from the bathroom, and gently wiped his face. She controlled her emotions, careful not to let her anger affect her actions.

Once she finished, she took a deep breath, pulled Connor up from the sofa, had him lean on her shoulder, and tightly held his waist to support his unsteady body. She struggled to support him as they moved toward the bedroom where Drew was sleeping.

"The two drunkards can sleep together!" Camila muttered, laying Connor down on Drew's bed and tucking them in.

Exhausted, Camila sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the unconscious Connor.

breathing was deep, and his face showed a hint of satisfaction and bliss, as if he was in the middle

gaze was fixed on him, and her anger slowly subsided, replaced by a

Her fingertips slid over his eyebrows, down his


quickly turned off the light, and left the room, closing the door

Morning came.

he couldn't immediately recall what had happened the night before. He stared confusedly at the ceiling stretching his arm, then realizing there was someone

became fully alert. Turning his head, he saw

contain his shock, he kicked the stranger

smokes! Who are you?"

opened his eyes groggily, seeing a stranger staring

too froze. He looked around, and the decor reminded him of Belleview Heights's style.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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