Camila paused for a moment. Then, in a soft yet unwavering voice, she said, "If you stay true to me, I'll gladly join you on this journey."

Her voice, like a gentle night breeze, was both tender and firm. Connor chuckled, his tone filled with warmth and determination. "I promise, I'll never let you down."

They continued chatting, their hearts connecting through the phone line, binding them closer together. Eventually, Camila's voice grew faint, and Connor realized she had fallen asleep. He held onto the phone, listening to her soft breathing, feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment.

The next morning, Camila woke up, stretched lazily, and reached for her phone, only to find it had died. She frowned slightly, trying to recall her conversation with Connor but couldn't remember when she had dozed off.

After plugging her phone in to charge, she walked out of her bedroom to find Cole already there, having breakfast with her mom.

"Cami, you're up? Come and join us for breakfast," Cole said with a smile.

"Morning, Cole," Camila replied, returning the smile. "Let me freshen up first."

mystery, that they all head over to his place. Camila's curiosity was piqued as

been there a few times before. But stepping inside this time, it was like stepping into a completely different home. The

redecorate?" Camila asked, eyes wide as she

walls and got some new furniture. I thought

sparkling with happiness. She knew that Cole had done all this for her, creating

Camila remarked, "This

check out your room," Cole said, leading her to a bedroom with


a comfy queen-sized bed with several cute

staying?" she asked, remembering the place

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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