"No way, I'm perfectly fine here," Camila said firmly, glancing at Connor through the vanity mirror.

Connor looked at her, trying to convince her. "It's freezing here, and the space is cramped. You can't be comfortable. Come back to the apartment; it's warm and spacious."

Camila turned to face him. "Sure, it's small, but I've got everything I need, and I'm comfortable. Winter's short, just a few cold days."

Connor sighed, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. "Alright, I won't push you."

"I made some oatmeal," Camila said with a smile, gently holding his hand. "We'll have it, and then you can take some fever medicine."

Connor nodded and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

sat at the dining table. Camila handed

a sip and found it surprisingly delicious. "Did it turn out well

most of the bowl. "It's fantastic,

and with an apologetic smile said, "To make up for last time, how about we go shopping later? I'll buy you lots of new clothes and your

shook her head softly. "You're still sick. Take your medicine and

"Stay with me

recovered yet; you

Connor nodded softly. "Mhm."

taking his medicine and checking his temperature, which was only slightly elevated, Camila sat by the bed, gently

all night, was indeed tired. With Camila's soothing

breathing steady, Camila gently withdrew her hand from his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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