Claire called.

"Cami, Cole and I checked the calendar and today seemed perfect, so we decided to go get our marriage license."

Camila's face lit up with joy. "What? That's so sudden! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've taken the day off to come back."

"We wanted to keep it low-key, no big fuss," Claire explained. "We're planning a small family dinner tonight to celebrate. You should bring Connor along."

Camila held her phone, her expression clouded with worry. She knew tonight was significant for her mother, but...

"Mom, he has a meeting tonight. He can't make it." She tried to sound casual, not wanting her mom to know about their rough patch.

There was a brief pause on the other end before Claire spoke again, "That's okay, work comes first. It's our fault for not giving you a heads up about the license. Can you come tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll head over right after work!" Camila replied with a smile.

Erica and invite her too," Claire

was cluttered with data and documents.

lunch, Camila brought

called out

her distance, replying coolly, "Mr. Connor, what do

up and slowly walked over, softly asking, "Join me

by a feather, sending ripples through her emotions. But she steeled herself. "Mr.

can I do to make you forgive me? I

reached out and gently wiggled her pinky finger. This small gesture made Camila's defenses start crumble. She almost forgave him right

touch, looking up at him. "I need time to reassess our

the determination in her eyes, understood that this wouldn't be resolved quickly. He had spent the entire

know I was wrong. I'll change, I promise. Just give me one more chance," he said, his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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