Chapter 99

The door was not closed all the way. It was as if Sage had purposely left it open for her.

Entering Sage’s room, Leah said softly, “Sage, are you still awake?”


Closing the book in her hands, Sage sat upright, straightening her back, and looked at Leah. “Anything? Come on inside.”

Leah, dressed in her cotton nightgown that looked thread wom from overwashing, walked over to Sage. Leah found herself taking careful steps across the expensive carpet as she did not wish to dirty it.

*Come, sit here,” Sage said to Leah. She handed her a scarf. “I don’t usually tum on the heater, so it might be cold for you here. Take this and wrap it around yourself. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

“Thank you.”

Leah thanked her politely and sat upright in the chair with her hands placed on her knees.

at the sight

learned from Leah how to behave in a gentle and polite manner. Sage thought that she had done a good job judging from how she was

right from the start was suddenly laughing and

was simply reminded of

laughter in her eyes faded away, leaving only traces of coldness.

at Sage and asked, “Where have you been all these years, Sage? Have you

Sage’s eyes. She did not expect

went to another city to

“What about you? How

Leah smiled and went on, “It had always been this way, and I’ve already gotten used to it. It doesn’t matter if I’m

her. “I heard that


her hands, Leah answered, “Yeah,

had a smile on her

Leah, Sage sighed silently as she thought that every

he had three sons. Among his sons, the eldest, Sawyer Norah

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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