Chapter 112

They left the Japanese restaurant soon after they were done with dinner. Hunter walked Leah to her car while Luther waited for Sage at the entrance.

Sage’s phone had run out of battery, so she had taken Luther’s phone and was now playing some games on it.

Halfway through, Sage turned to Luther and said, “Is Kane in Salem City?”

“Hmm?” Luther looked like he wanted to evade the question. “That’s impossible.”

Sage pulled up the string of messages and showed them to Luther. One of them was a photo of the VIP lounge of a clubhouse. The shot contained pretty girls underneath bright neon lights, and in the midst of all this, there he was- with his braided hair and fair skin, sitting in the center. Kane looked devilish.

The second message read, (I’m in the area. Don’t tell Sage that I’m in Salem)

“Oh, sh*t!” Panicking, Luther snatched the phone out of Sage’s hand Kane could not have picked a worse time to have sent him a message, and Sage had seen him in the worst place possible.

is in Salem City, and he was not

any further, Luther smiled

he is, entertaining himself

stretched out her hand to Luther, “Hand

a situation where she took out her

shoulders She then sent the photo to Kane with the caption: (Kane Hudson, don’t you


the phone into Luther and stormed off toward

phone rang as soon as the car pulled away He took a deep breath and answered It

said Luther, almost gloating “Told you not to turn this

of you are useless pr*cks! Always ruining it for mel Pass the phone

now, and her phone is dead. Go to Rosa Garden if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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