Chapter 128

Yoel, still in dismay, asked Jace, “Who won?”

“We didn’t get to the end.” Jace was reminded of Kane’s ruthless moves, his pupils darkened and said, “Sage called to a stop.”

Yoel wrinkled his nose. He couldn’t believe he missed out on such an exciting encounter.

*All these people around Sage are really excellent fighters. Luther, and now Kane. The Norahs and Hudsons are famous families in Salem City. It’s not uncommon for them to have relations. They might even share the same childhood,” Yoel analyzed.

All that discussion with Yoel only made Jace more upset. He had lost his appetite.

Jace put his fork down on his plate and made a clash sound. He then said, “Childhood friends? Do you think we’re in a tv show?”

around Sage. He needed to get him out

Jace as he made way towards his computer again, “You look

The doorbell rang.

the door and a beautiful woman was standing in front of him, holding a bottle of liquor. She looked surprised that it was Yoel answering the door, and


looked strangely familiar, “You are the actress Suki West right? Are you here to drink with


out for the

in front of the computer, and said, “I’m not looking for you, I’m looking

of Scottish whiskey, and

of liquor and her expressions seemed a little uneasy. That was Jace’s favorite whiskey.

saw her expressions, “Thought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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