Chapter 114

Hailey quickly replied, “Don’t forget, you’re my childhood friend and family. If you find any clues, you must tell me, otherwise you’ll disappoint my deep feelings for you all these years.”

Seeing this, Eleanor couldn’t help but smile. Hailey truly believed in her and wouldn’t get mad at her for being reckless.

She replied, “Okay, I’ll do whatever you say,” added a goodnight emoji, and went to sleep with peace of mind.

The next afternoon, she was woken up by a dozen phone calls and grabbed her phone from under her pillow.

“Ms. Shultz, are you awake?”

Hearing Jason’s clear and pleasant voice, Eleanor struggled to open her eyes.

“Mr. Clowers, what’s up?”

“How’s your health?”

Eleanor muttered a “good” in response.

Jason felt a little disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mood.

tonight. Can I

she refused, “I don’t want

get angry but continued gently, “Please come as a favor to look

taking care of you.

and I already

return to B City after the bidding meeting, but he not only stayed

you going

Jason felt more disappointed, “Do you really want me

certainly hoped he would go back soon; otherwise, she would have to

willing to spend

never say that to his

her silence, Jason

calmly, “I’ll leave

Eleanor, “Can you accompany me to the dinner tonight?”

soon as she heard that he would leave after the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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