Chapter 103

Jason looked at Eleanor, whose face was cold as ice, and he suddenly got the feeling that she was like a hedgehog

As soon as he got close, she would stab him with all her spikes, making him not dare to take another step forward.

Feeling a bit defeated, he said, “I don’t need you to beg me or please me. As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.

Eleanor had been prepared for a big fight with him, but she didn’t expect him to say that.

She stared at Jason, who gave her a small smile, which was simple and clean, without any schemes..

It seemed like he was just genuinely concerned about her condition and asked a few more questions about it.

Jason turned around, picked up the plate of food on the table, and handed it to Eleanor, “Eat something first.”

Eleanor didn’t respond, but looked down at the food on the plate, lost in her thoughts.

“Ms. Shultz?”

called her, and Eleanor slowly raised her

incredibly distant expression. Seeing her like

as if he had done something wrong to her that made him feel extremely guilty

about to speak, but she cut him off, “If all you care about is

had no intention of bringing up the past, but his words just touched her heart. She really couldn’t understand why

of mindset drove person to

a few seconds, Jason’s face showed a hint of guilt.

Plus the information he found out about her made him think she had ulterior motives. So, he ordered the security guards to throw her out when she was

he had done to Eleanor, and he was still somewhat guilty about

kick you out on purpose. I just found

That incident was

gentlemanly for him to order several men to carry her out.

kill her, but Jason was talking about something else.

didn’t want to admit what he had done in the past, which was

didn’t ask any further questions. It was pointless to ask someone who didn’t want to take responsibility for

silence confused Jason.

at the airport, but she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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