Chapter 214

Jason bought a bouquet of flowers and arrived at the cemetery. Before he had walked over, he spotted a tall and upright figure in the distance, kneeling alone in front of a tombstone. The man’s hair was disheveled, his face so pale it lacked any color, and he looked so haggard that Jason could barely recognize him.

Jason thought that Bernard wanted to say something to Eleanor, so he stopped in his tracks. However, after waiting for a long time, Bernard didn’t utter a word, but simply stared at the portrait in silence. Jason then resumed walking and placed the flowers in front of the tombstone.

Sensing someone’s arrival, Bernard’s eyelashes fluttered slightly but he didn’t raise his head, as if he knew who had come. The two men stood in front of the tombstone, looking at the portrait, not saying a word to each other, and neither showed any hostility to drive the other away

was falling into an abyss. He lifted his trembling hand and pressed hard on his right

Jason seemed to understand something. “It seems like you loved her. Bernard remained silent, his lips pursed, pressing harder on his wrist. Jason took a look at him but

Over the past five years, in her sleep, she had always called out for Garett, never once for him. How could she possibly love him? However, the few words she left him made him believe that she might have had feelings for

felt that Bernard was pitiful, unable to decipher Eleanor’s thoughts, no wonder he was so cold towards her. He didn’t intend to tell Bernard the truth, instead, he let him live in the pain of falsely

his suit pocket, and placed it in front of Eleanor’s tombstone. He looked at Eleanor’s portrait, whispering softly, “Eleanor, I’ve kept

wedding photo, Bernard’s face went even paler, “You… you married her? Seeing Bernard’s shock, Jason

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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