Chapter 1500

In the quaint town of Rosewood, the three Lawrence kids, notorious for their reign of terror at the local kindergarten, quickly caught the attention of the headmistress. Determined to nip their behavior in the bud, she summoned the leader, Damian, for a chat. “Damian,” she said, her voice stern but caring, “where on earth did you pick up such unruly habits?”

Without skipping a beat, Damian blurted out, “Robin,” making The headmistress reach for the phone to confront their mother, Eleanor. She demanded to know who this Robin was and why he was leading the child astray.

As luck would have it, Robin was visiting the Lawrence estate, right across the street from the playground, when the call came through. Overhearing The headmistress’ accusations, he snatched the phone from Eleanor, fuming as he defended himself in a heated exchange.

The conversation took a turn when The headmistress mentioned Damian’s new status as the ‘big brother’ of the schoolyard, even orchestrating brawls with children from the neighboring kindergarten. It was then that Robin fell silent, realizing that perhaps he had indeed played a role in the boy’s behavior.

After Katharine’s wedding, Robin had returned stateside, never straying far from his residence opposite the Lawrence’s grand home. On occasion, he’d swagger around the neighborhood with Damian in tow, exuding an air of authority, but he’d never encouraged, the boy to engage in actual fights.

Eleanor banned him from contact with Damian, stripping him of all visitation rights. This left Robin no choice but to intercept Damian en route to school, desperate to clear his name of teaching

on the sidewalk, Damian looked up at Robin and said, “Sorry, Mr. Bran, I didn’t want to go to school or get beat

Robin and his brother

about it to their father, Bernard. It wasn’t until Bernard’s dismissive sneer that Robin realized the

muttered. “I take the fall for you, and this is the thanks I

safety of his mother’s car, Damian cracked a sly smile and waved goodbye through the window. “Bye,

tales of Damian’s bullying spread through the Lawrence, Pine, and Sharp families, with

Mr. Peterson seemed to have an influence on Damian. When Eleanor invited him to stay with them and mentor the boy, he agreed. Under his guidance, Damian’s behavior improved,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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