Rena’s heart sank with sorrow.

She embraced Eloise tightly, tears streaming down her face. “Why must you leave? I want you to stay.”

Eloise contemplated her response but chose to remain silent.

Earlier at the cemetery, Eloise had surmised that Lyndon might be Rena’s biological father,

If Rena went to Lyndon, perhaps her life would be much easier in the future,

Rena shook her head resolutely. “I won’t go anywhere. Eloise, I will stay by your side,”

A soft sigh escaped Eloise’s lips.

She was ata loss as to how to handle Rena’’s situation. She loved Rena dearly, yet Rena was not her biological daughter. Now that Darren was gone and Rena had found her real father, Eloise could no longer be selfish and cling to her…

Enfolding Eloise in her embrace, Rena whispered, her voice filled with vulnerability, “If I were to call you ‘Mom,’ would you stay?”

Eloise’s body stiffened, her emotions in tumult.

Rena clung to Eloise even tighter, refusing to let go.

Speaking in hushed tones, Rena timidly addressed Eloise, resembling the very child Eloise first laid eyes upon.

“Mom… Please don’t go.”

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Eloise wept, the facade of strength she had been upholding since Darren’s passing crumbling away, revealing the depths of her sorrow and fear hidden within her heart.

Having lost her husband and never having children of her own, Rena now referred to Eloise as her mother.

Eloise held Rena in a tight embrace, her tears flowing freely. “I won’t leave… I will stay. Rena, I will be your mother, and I will forever be here by your side.”

Rena nestled against Eloise’s chest, finding solace in the warmth of her presence.

In the afternoon, Eloise insisted that Rena take a nap.

Upon awakening, Rena heard voices emanating from the living room.

Leaning against the wall for support, she made her way towards the source. Her eyes narrowed upon catching sight of the man seated there.

Lyndon caeuried the living room, surrounded by a multitude of precious tonics and gifts at his feet. Upon spotting Rena, his lips quivered for a prolonged moment. Eventually, he softly called out to her, “Rena!”

Rena understood the purpose behind his visit.

In a polite tone, she responded, “Thank you so much, Mr. Coleman.


Rena’s gaze shifted towards the gifts as she continued, “I truly cannot accept these.”

Lyndon locked his gaze on Rena.

The more he looked at her, the more he noticed her striking resemblance to Reina.

The more he looked at her, the more she felt like kin to him…

Reina had been married and had passed away and there was nothing Lyndon could do about it. However, Rena remained his daughter. How could he not take her back?

He longed to provide Rena with the best.

Lyndon paused momentarily before speaking up tenderly. “I have heard of your piano skills. Korbyn mentioned his desire to send you to Flirean for further study. I know of a tutor there… or I can teach you myself.”

He yearned to make amends, to shape Rena into a renowned musician.

His intentions were driven by a desire to bring solace to Reina’s spirit.

Lyndon continued to express his intentions but Rena responded with a disdainful smile.

Her gaze drifted downwards, fixating on her own feet.

The nerve injury afflicted her foot, rendering her unable to drive, let alone pursue her dreams of becoming a renowned pianist.

Flirean, the place of her aspirations, seemed out of reach.

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She chose not to disclose these details to Lyndon, simply mustering a faint smile as she replied, “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Coleman. I believe I can manage without it. Furthermore… If there is nothing else, please excuse me. I won’t accompany you to the door.”

Rena nodded at Eloise, Signaling her to see their guest off.

Respecting Rena’s decision, Eloise collected the gifts and politely escorted Lyndon outside.

Standing before the door, Lyndon refused to relinquish his efforts. “Mrs. Gordon, you…”

Eloise’s smile was tinged with a hint of melancholy.

She uttered, “I understand your intentions but considering all that has transpired… Ultimately, the decision lies with Rena, doesn’t it? You loved your daughter dearly and I can’t blame you for that. But Rena…

She is also cherished by me and Darren.”

Upon hearing these words, Lyndon’s heart constricted with anguish.

As twilight descended and bedtime approached, Eloise tenderly applied a soothing, warm compress to Rena’s weary feet.

Gently clasping Rena’s foot, Eloise offered words of care, saying, “Ensure proper healing, dear. Let there be no lingering repercussions.”

In an attempt to conceal her true emotions, Rena feigned composure and replied, “It’s just a minor wound; it’s not a big deal.”

Observing Rena’s gradual ability to move with measured steps, Eloise refrained from dwelling too deeply on the matter.

Continuing to administer the comforting warmth to Rena’s foot, Eloise approached the conclusion of the procedure and hesitated before saying,

“Waylen has been waiting downstairs for quite some time. Would you like to see him?”

Rena was taken aback, momentarily stunned by the suggestion.

After a brief pause, she gently shook her head and responded, “I’ll speak with him in a few days. I’m not emotionally ready at the moment.”

Respecting Rena’s decision, Eloise refrained from pressing further.

Tenderly touching Rena’s head, Eloise spoke words of comfort, saying, “I may not know the intricacies of your situation but I wholeheartedly support any choices you make… Seek a deserving partner. If this man falls short, seek another. Your Mr. Right will surely come your way.” ,

Rena’s smile in response to Eloise’s words brought a sense of relief to Eloise’s heart.

Time swiftly passed and soon a week had gone since Darren’s passing, with Rena’s feet nearly restored to full health.

Accompanied by Eloise, Rena made her way to pay respects at Darren’s final resting place.

The sun beamed brightly, illuminating the vibrant flowers strewn around.

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Resting before Darren’s and Reina’s tombstone was a bouquet of freshly picked lilies.

Eloise surmised that Lyndon had left them there. Casting a glance at Rena, who discarded the bouquet nonchalantly and instead placed a handful of daisies, she couldn’t help but emit a soft sigh,


resplendent golden Bentley Continental GT stood parked and Waylen leaned against it, engrossed in his

the cheerful spring


the situation any longer, she needed to convey her thoughts

a profound gaze, she initiated

with tenderness, “Allow me to drive

“I’ll get a cab.

nodded, cautioning Eloise to take care on her

Eloise hailed a taxi and departed for

extinguished his cigarette, opened the car door and

settled into

now, her movements lacked agility.

her in the car, taking his time to buckle his seat

remained fixed on her feet as he


a glance at her

I appreciate your

I care for you. I don’t want us to break

Rena listened in silence.

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countenance exhibited neither joy nor sorrow, as if she

smiled and proposed,

upon the

silence, he smiled and

he escorted her to an upscale

the establishment was exclusively reserved for the two of

opted for a solitary cup of coffee. Her delicate fingers delicately grazed the surface of the porcelain, a reflection of the bitterness that dwelled within her

days, Rena had discerned Waylen’s

attempting to win her

hypocritical to shatter her heart and then seek to

limits of his own willingness, whereas Rena had poured her entire being into this relationship. She had fallen in love with him without

had been compelled

Flower arrangement, pastries…

to abandon her home and

found the entire situation utterly

said in a soft, composed tone, “Waylen, let us bring an end to this


replied slowly, “Perhaps it is wise for us to separate temporarily and allow

to evade his gaze, her

break all ties. No more contact, no calls, no texts on special occasions or

Rena concluded her statement…

a waiter and placed an order, stating, “Two set

Fowler. Your dishes will be served

interject, her voice tinged

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further, stating,

were presented before them, it was only Waylen who engaged in consuming the meticulously

been eating for quite some

Rena’s remorse. He yearned for her

only yield sorrow. Since Rena had firmly

lips with a napkin,

up your mind? Are you truly determined to end

moments, Waylen believed there

nodded, her

it. Let us

from Elvira, Rena was the only woman he had ever wooed. Now that

that if this relationship caused Rena distress and unhappiness, it was better

so, an uncomfortable

a wealthy family, Waylen believed it was customary to offer something when parting ways with a woman. This gesture would be a testament to his

proposed, “I will arrange for Jazlyn to transfer ownership of

value worth hundreds of millions of dollars,

never been motivated by material wealth in

exhibit annoyance. Instead, she responded lightly, “I

found himself

her unwavering

pocket and retrieved a

and respectful manner, he slid

relationship has come to an end. If

not refuse his

tucking it away in her

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one final request. “Mr. Fowler, I still have some personal belongings in the apartment that I would like

extracted a cigarette, lighting it

exuded a profound depth as he offered a smile. “Very well. I no longer reside there these days. Once you have retrieved your belongings, you can hand the

Rena graciously thanked Waylen.

from her seat, preparing to depart. Waylen, somewhat adhering to

Rena politely declined.

assistance to my father during these trying times, Mr. Fowler… Now, we are even. From this point forward… We will never

steps, Rena gradually exited the

figure through the glass door. Suddenly, a

sunlight had grown

Rena made her

team of workers to remove the newly added curtains and reinstall

both her worn and unworn clothes, along with her jewelry,

to clear out every trace of her belongings from the place she

possessions she bid farewell to was the beloved piano named

successfully erased any evidence of her existence within the apartment, leaving behind a void as

cast her gaze upon Snowball, her faithful

been struggling to eat properly due to Rena’s absence

of responsibility, Rena decided to take

she had spent over half a year with Waylen, she chose to only take the dog along, opting to sell the jewelry, clothes and

dollars she had received from Waylen, were generously

feel a faint ache in

which Waylen immersed himself in his work at the law office, celebrating a triumphant victory in an

at the peak

knocked on his office

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approached him and discreetly handed him an envelope, explaining, “Miss Gordon visited yesterday and

accepted the envelope and extracted a

the key

examined the key, he inquired, “Did you happen to visit there? Were Rena’s belongings, the clothes and jewelry, taken by her? If not, kindly arrange for their return to her. I have no use for those things

his gaze to meet hers and asked,

return home tonight. Nonetheless, Miss Gordon

feeling gnawed at Waylen, he dismissed

continued working until ten o’clock in the

contemplating the dimness and emptiness of his apartment, he felt an

a meal for him in the place

car, he

As he surveyed his surroundings, an indescribable sensation coursed through him, causing his scalp to tingle and his pores to inexplicably

accustomed to the apartment’s adornments, which were meticulously arranged

everything had returned

and perfectly aligned with Waylen’s aesthetic preferences but devoid

coat aside and embarked on a quest to find traces of Rena’s

the bedroom, the kitchen, the living

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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