Waylen’s smile, a tantalizing dance of charm, graced his elegant features, an allure that held captive hearts.

Despite his captivating appeal, it was an open secret within Duefron that Waylen’s heart was steadfastly devoted to Rena. Even amidst the bloom of her pregnancy, his fidelity remained unyielding, his heart untouched by the Lure of frivolous pursuits.

There was no scandalous affairs about him.

As the night unfolded, the stage was set for Rena‘s entrance.

Amidst the crowd of supporting roles, Rena‘s grace shone like a beacon.

The host was trying to make the atmosphere more interesting. He took a few steps forward and said with a smile, “Then let’s invite Mrs. Fowler to stand on the stage and say a few words for these performers to motivate them.”

Unable to refuse his enthusiastic invitation, Rena went to the stage directly.

The microphone’s embrace, her voice carrying a gentle cadence, brought a hush to the audience. She turned around to look at the young performers, among whom Harrison was the one close to her

Her humility revealed a heart unburdened by the trappings of stardom “I hope you can work harder after you get into the public’s sight. The world is vast and you have to rely on yourself.”

Applause, a symphony of approval, swelled through the air, a chorus of support for the newly crowned talents.

The young performers also applauded with excitement.

Since then, their careers in the entertainment circle began.

Yet, amidst the fervor of the moment, fate took a harrowing turn.

A dance of destiny unfolded above Rena, a crystal lampshade suspended in the air. A calamitous accident sent the lampshade crashing toward Rena’s fragile form. The sharp front just penetrated through the emerald, making a harsh sound, and finally fell to the ground, a scene of terror and chaos as the debris scattered all around.

At this time, the crystal chandelier, which weighed over a hundred pounds, was about to falter. At last, the tensed rope couldn’t bear the weight and a part of the chandelier smashed down directly.

Rena stood frozen in place, unable to move an inch.

In a heartbeat, a hero emerged from the shadows. Harrison, a beacon of courage, shielded Rena from the descending disaster. Blood stained his forehead, his sacrifice a testament to his valiance. Then a bigger part of the chandelier fell towards his forehead.

But fate’s cruel hand still loomed, the chandelier’s descent unrelenting. There would be no possibility for him to survive if he got hit.

In an instant, the universe held its breath as the unthinkable transpired.

Waylen intercepted the chandelier’s deadly trajectory.

His arm bore the brunt of the impact, the sharp shards finding an unwilling sacrifice in his flesh. The chandelier finally fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Debris rained down, the aftermath of the chandelier’s devastating impact.

The theater erupted in chaos, a scene of horror that painted the world in shades of uncertainty.

Rena, her vision fading into the embrace of unconsciousness, found herself trapped within the clutches of darkness.


Waylen’s anguished cry echoed through the air, a desperate plea that mirrored the depths of his sorrow.

He cradled her weak form in his arms, both of them drenched in a chilling coat of crimson.

Undeterred by his own injuries, Waylen’s voice shattered the air, a command that brooked no argument. “Call an ambulance!”

Time stretched on, each passing second a torment for Waylen. With Rena’s life hanging in the balance, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her or the precious life she carried within her.

And then there was Harrison…

Had he not acted, Rena’s fate would have been… Waylen’s mind recoiled from the unthinkable.

Beyond the hospital walls, a flurry of snowflakes danced in the wind, an ethereal backdrop to the unfolding tragedy.

The hospital’s sterile corridors bore witness to their arrival, Waylen’s face a mask of anguish as he battled his own hemorrhaging injuries. His pallor was stark against the unforgiving lighting, a portrait of a man on the precipice. Korbyn and Juliette arrived in haste, Cecilia at their side, worry etched deeply on their faces. Their voices mingled in a chorus of concern, a symphony of questions. “How is Rena?”

Waylen, his arm hastily bandaged, seemed to wear his exhaustion Like a cloak.

He took out a cigarette, lit it and took a drag.

“She’s in the emergency room. Harrison Moore is in there too. He might be permanently scarred.”

Grief pooled in Waylen’s eyes as he spoke.

In his trembling hand, the shattered remnants of an emerald told a story that transcended the physical object.

It was not until now that he had understood what Mindy meant. It was a tale of sacrifice, a testament to Harrison’s bravery.

For within that broken emerald resided the true guardian. It was Harrison himself.

Waylen’s resolve solidified.

Cost was of no concern, for Harrison’s well-being was paramount.

As the hospital bustled with its life-saving ministrations, Korbyn’s steady hand found its way to Waylen’s shoulder, a comforting gesture laden with understanding. “Rena will pull through. You must stay here with your mother. Cecilia will go to take care of the children. I’ll venture to the police station, seeking any trace of the accident’s origins.”

Korbyn’s departure left behind a cloud of uncertainty, the weight of recent events hanging heavily in the air

It wasn’t Long before another wave of concern swept into the hospital, carried by none other than Harrison’s distressed mother accompanied by a contingent of Moore family members.

Among them was Addie.

She was Harold’s younger sister

The voice of Harrison’s mother trembled with anxiety as she approached Waylen. “How’s Harrison?” she implored, her frantic gaze searching for answers. Her grip on his arm was tight enough to reflect her inner turmoil.

Waylen, despite his own turbulent thoughts, projected a calming aura as he reassured her. “There’s no immediate danger, but his recovery might be a Lengthy process, Mrs. Moore. I’ll make sure to find the best plastic surgeon.”

The words “plastic surgeon” triggered an emotional avalanche within Harrison’s mother.

Her legs threatened to buckle beneath her as realization and fear collided, intertwining with her maternal instincts.

Amidst this turmoil, a doctor emerged from the emergency room, offering a momentary distraction from the mounting tension. He provided an update on Harrison’s condition, the news dispelling the immediate threat to his life. The Moore family’s members immediately went in to see Harrison.

Waylen heard the woman’s shrill voice through the passage. She couldn’t accept the fact that her son was disfigured.

Meanwhile, the heaviness of guilt pressed upon Waylen, its weight almost suffocating.

Juliette, always a pillar of strength, offered a comforting gesture, her hand gently resting on his shoulder as she urged him to tend to his own injuries. “Waylen, attend to your wound. I’ll stay with Rena. We can’t afford to alarm her when she awakens.”

His vulnerability peeking through his facade, he Leaned on the wall and rubbed his hair angrily with his hand.

not in the

her son’s anguish, she understood how important Rena was to him. Leaving him to

time seemed agonizingly slow as Waylen

their hearts, the

hours had already passed, the hospital corridor standing witness to their collective

room finally opened four hours later, it was as if

wife?” Waylen

Fowler didn’t sustain significant physical trauma. However, her brain did suffer a moderate concussion from the impact of the debris.” An undercurrent of concern ran through

Waylen was slightly stunned.

an additional layer of gravity. “Given that Mrs. Fowler is also pregnant, it’s imperative that we monitor her condition closely. If her coma persists beyond

rouse her?” Waylen’s voice was tinged with desperation, his

point will be tomorrow morning. We will

room, leaving

an instant. Juliette helped him up and said in a crying voice, “You have to hold on, Waylen!

softly, “Mom, I

Rena tired of

better, would she wake up

VIP ward,

delicate fabric of her gown showcased her pregnancy, a

bore the remnants of her ordeal, marked by the telltale signs

her side, disregarded his own injuries and stayed faithfully

the room, Juliette was caught in a poignant dance of

the Moore family’s

nodded silently, tears still cascading down her

big favor and

oppressive silence settling. A tear fell on the back of Rena’s hand,

regrets run deep. I should never have allowed you to attend the premiere. If I could turn back

hot tears continued to overflow,

in a

doctor said, her body had fallen into dormancy. Her dreams were untroubled by his confessions,

night had draped itself in the shroud of darkness, the sky painted with obsidian

the window, where the world beyond was shrouded in a veil of heavy snowfall. His voice, gentle and laden with longing, resonated through the room. “The night sky wears a snowy gown, and our children must be frolicking in delight. Rena, if you could awaken, I’d take you back home. We’d sip on warm

brushed Rena’s cheek tenderly, her skin cool

the weight of his heartbreak threatening to overcome him. Tears welled in his eyes, a silent testament

his lips grazing her neck as he whispered, his voice heavy with anguish,

exact moment her eyelids fluttered open. As the hours gave way to dawn, the sun cast its

temperature seemed to be

stark reminder of the

hospital, exhaustion etched

the weight of the night’s labor. Silently, he approached Rena’s bedside, his gaze searching for a sign of change. With a hushed murmur, he broke the stillness. “Has

head, his

Waylen’s vigil had taken. “Your mother is tending to the children. They don’t know about the accident

touch meant to reassure. He urged, “You’ve suffered blood loss and exhaustion. You must eat, for you cannot

quickly and sat on the edge of the bed to keep her company. He continued to

told her about the kids and wanted

knew that Waylen’s mental condition was abnormal, but he could not persuade Waylen as well. If it was him who was involved in this accident, he

Yet, the sorrow etched on his face conveyed the

his seat, his question punctuated by the weight of his concern. “Doctor, what

offered a measured response. “The fetus would be the first to be affected. But if the coma persists, it

precariously balanced

in a heavy silence that only the sound of the snowflakes genty falling

his own heart weighed down by

as important as Cecilia in his mind. Thinking of what might happen in the future, he couldn’t help but

said I have a strong personality that I

with unshed tears, met

voice, raw with emotion, sought

destined for one another. Don’t

Waylen’s throat tightened.

left Rena‘s slumbering form as he smoothed away a strand of hair on her forehead. They just fell in Love with

of each second felt like an eternity, a relentless punishment for a heart caught in

with the world outside wrapped in a blanket of snow, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of time pressing upon

precipice of his endurance, teetering on the edge of his emotional resolve. At this time, no one could help him, including his

of his role as Rena’s husband and father to their children loomed heavy, his heart yearning for a reunion

days slipping through

his features, his once-vibrant cheeks now

on him. Keeping the truth from their children was an impossible task. Cecilia took on the solemn duty of explaining their mother’s situation to them, guiding them through the

form lying on the bed. Alexis, her eyes brimming with unshed

nestled her head against Rena’s belly, the gesture both gentle and heartbreaking, a silent embrace

with tears, reached out to touch

babbled the word “mommy,” his

in his arms, holding the child close. His eyes, haunted by sorrow, met his son’s gaze, and in that shared moment, they found solace in

missed Rena

presence. Did she feel their longing? Did she sense the weight of

of losing the child in

that when Rena woke up one day, she

relentless march of uncertainty and worry. Waylen spared no effort, summoning experts from near and far to unlock the puzzle of her

of the living. Yet Rena remained trapped in the realm of unconsciousness, her form

a slow and agonizing passage of time that left Rena’s

unfolded, the corridor enveloped in an icy chill

trousers, stood in the sterile corridor, his breath visible in the

six days. Our intensive examinations have revealed that the fetus’s heart rate within Mrs. Fowler’s womb is steadily declining. If she doesn’t awaken within

of those words bore down on Waylen, his grip on the

say?” he demanded, his voice quaking with a mixture of

face of Waylen’s emotion,

between them, a tense silence hanging in the air. Eventually, Waylen released his grip

he said, “Consider the option,

the darkened corridor, Waylen found himself swallowed by the cold


her slumber. Waylen’s mind raced, grappling with the unbearable possibility of a future without

and a fierce determination

the ember burned bright, a tiny flame that seemed to mirror his own

for her. Waylen’s hoarse voice cut through the air. “Have the kids

mother’s hand and began to tenderly wipe Rena’s face. His voice, soft and raw, filled the room. “Mom, I haven’t been a good husband. I could do nothing

as she

though I forgot our past, I know one thing for

treacherous mountain roads blanketed by

before, but now I have no choice. Since he can figure out the past and foretell future,

if Waylen had to be in dire straits, even if he had to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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