“So what are you trying to say?” Mark asked coldly.

“I’m saying what happened last night can only happen once. It can never, and will never happen again,” Cecilia answered definitively.

Mark pouted his lips and looked away.

He closed his eyes, and then, after a while, he said softly, “If this had happened before, you would cry and ask me to take responsibility.”

Cecilia was about to retort when he suddenly stood up.

“I see your point. Anyway, go have breakfast.”

Although his demeanor was still gentle, Cecilia could feel that his tone wasn’t the same as before.

At the same time, she wouldn’t compromise her stance no matter how mad Mark got.

While they were having breakfast, she looked up at him and said, “We’ll stop at the pharmacy on the way later.”

Mark glanced at her before replying, “You’re on your safe period.”

“still, I’m worried.”

After saying that, Cecilia grabbed her glass of milk and swiveled it gently.

“Our relationship as it stands is already very complicated.

We have two kids, and our fates, whether we like it or not, are intertwined. I don’t want to complicate that even more by bringing in another life.”

She had already given birth to two children and raised them herself.

There was no need to add another one to that.

Upon hearing this, Mark’s face softened.

Indeed, he had no intention of impregnating her. After all, they already had two children. Not to mention, his health was also not good.

Despite that, he knew that she didn’t need to take morning after pills.

Still, Cecilia insisted. She was afraid of being pregnant again.

In the end, as Mark sent her to the film set, he stopped by the roadside with a nearby pharmacy in sight. Cecilia wanted to go out and buy the pills herself, but Mark grabbed her hand before she could leave, thinking otherwise.

As a traditional man, he believed that it would be better if a man were to purchase such things.

So, he walked into the pharmacy in her stead.

He took a box of morning after pills from the pharmacy clerk. As he paid the bill, his eyes fell on the small square boxes on the shelf beside the counter and bought two boxes of large-sized condoms.

Once everything had been paid, Mark returned to the car.

As a habit, he always had hot water with him. He unscrewed his vacuum bottle and took out a pill for her.

After taking the pill, a frown formed on Cecilia’s face.

Out of instinct, Mark patted her on the shoulder, which rendered Cecilia stunned. Once again, her eyes started to redden.

As Mark fastened his seatbelt, his mind wandered while his hand picked up the two boxes of condoms from his pocket and put them inside the glove compartment. The big, thorny logo were hard to ignore, and as soon as Cecilia saw it, her cheeks turned pink.

She bit her lower lip before saying, “Mark, I already told you that we won’t have sex again.”

Mark looked at her and nodded.

After a while, he asked her, “Did you feel good last night?”

Both of them haven’t had sex in a long time.

They knew how good both of them felt last night.

Of course, Cecilia didn’t answer. Instead, she sank her head and fiddled with her fingers. Then, with a snort, she said, “As long as it’s a man…”

“Cecilia Fowler, “he cut her off. He rarely called her by her full name.

When Cecilia looked up, Mark gently caressed her face and added, “Don’t say that.”

She wanted to say something in response, but he had already put down his hand and started the car.

After that, he didn’t say anything more.

Judging from his demeanor, Cecilia guessed that Mark was angry. She couldn’t believe that he got angry with her before she got angry with him!

So, in response to that, Cecilia crossed her arms and didn’t say anything either.

When she got off the car, she slammed the door and didn’t look back as she walked away.

At noon, Mark gave in first. He called her to invite her to lunch.

However, when her phone rang, Cecilia didn’t answer it.

Instead, she sent him a message later on, reminding him that what had happened last night was a one-time thing only.

Mark was so infuriated by the message that he ended up throwing his phone away.

Her words earlier inside the car echoed in his mind.

“As long as it’s a man…”

In the office, Peter noticed that his boss was in anguish. He gently picked up Mark’s phone and placed it on his desk. Then, he began acting like a peacemaker by saying, “Last night, the two of you were so sweet. You have to be more patient with her! You see, the situation is different now. You used to be young and handsome. But now…”

Mark threw a stamp across the room before Peter could finish talking.

“What’s wrong with me now?” he snapped.

Unfazed by his outburst, Peter picked up the stamp and returned it to his desk. As he did, he looked candidly at Mark and continued, “You’re not as good in bed as before as time goes by. This happens to all men. I mean, just think about it. You didn’t make her happy last night, did you?’

Angela’s Library

Mark leaned back in his chair and sank his head, looking deep in contemplation.

As aman, he really did care about this sort of thing.

But last night was good. He was certain that Cecilia climaxed and received immense sexual pleasure.

After all, he could tell if a woman was faking it, and last night, he was sure that Cecilia’s reaction to him was genuine.

He snorted confidently and said nothing.

In response, Peter smiled and said, “Then you must be doing something else wrong. Think about it. All the people that Cecilia comes into contact with cherish her very much. But instead of coaxing her, you’re stuck here, sulking. If you keep that up, you’ll have no chance of winning! Remember, the streets are full of men.”

These words really pushed Mark’s button.

“Get out!” he snapped.

With a smile, Peter left, leaving Mark alone with his thoughts.

Once his emotions had stabilized, he thought that what Peter had said was actually reasonable.

With this in mind, he then took out his phone and called Cecilia’s assistant. There, he learned that Cecilia had gone to a restaurant for lunch.

he found that it

keys and coat and walked out of

outside. When he saw

go! You were so in love in love past. I’m sure that her heart has softened towards you

and squinted in

Peter be so

dispute him. He

his car in front of the

his seatbelt, he looked up

restaurant’s French window, Cecilia having lunch with someone

a gentle air around him. He also had good taste

that the two of them were in

with each other with smiles on their faces, sharing a laughter

Mark loosened his grip on his seatbelt and

point, he really needed a long drag of a cigarette to calm

he didn’t have

time to time, her smile would widen. They seemed to

least, Mark could tell

get off. He just sat there, staring at her like

Cecilia turned her head and

soon as she saw him,

immediately looked away and continued eating and chatting with the man she

eyes. Even though it tortured him, he kept waiting for her, waiting for

said goodbye to

to have just traded phone

didn’t avoid Mark. She even

said in

turned to her, his face devoid of

about?” he asked her in

got out of my bed in the morning, and as soon as noon, you’re already in a blind date with someone else? Cecilia, is that what

stared at Mark with a quiet

closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “I think I have made it clear to you this morning. What happened last night was nothing more than a one night

to talk to you now is because you are Edwin and Olivia’s


silence, he asked, “Was that a blind

really never going to get back together


If possible, she didn’t

didn’t want to love him, nor did

them stared at each other for a while, with Mark waiting for her answer

Cecilia opened her

don’t want to get back with you now or in the future. Two

in a sigh, her spirits

cruelty, but the

kindled hope in her, only to extinguish it time after

dared to love him, opting

road ahead. An empty stomach, neglected during lunch, troubled him,

silence, he declared, “I’ll

drove myself,” Cecilia countered, reaching for the

motion, Mark

“Don’t leave.”

his profound gaze. He appeared composed, betraying no sign

intense, wordless standoff, Cecilia whispered,

Mark eased his

vehicle hastily, as

shut, Mark gingerly placed a hand over his

moment before retrieving a

his return to the

mood, refrained from any provocations. As his workday concluded, he approached Mark, suggesting, “It’s time to fetch Edwin. He’d be thrilled if you


boy, schoolbag in tow, bounded from

sweaty, boy. Go freshen up. I’ve made ice cream for you,” she

cheeks flushed, complied, washing up

eyes flickering between the father and

was off; she could

discarded his coat onto

claiming he wouldn’t return home… Needed to “take care’ of Cecilia, he said.

nearly choked on his

was seized by

her son a sardonic

Is wooing the woman you fancy more challenging than your former job? At Least you applied intellect in your professional duties. With Cecilia, it seems you’re all talk, no heart. Consider your age,

the past, Mark

today, irritation got the better of him; he remained silent


Angela’s Library

close, Peter whispered, “He was rejected. Cecilia paid


wonder she ignores

the young, charming man he

judgment. Can’t he also be on the


a bowl of wontons and took it to the study later that

engulfed by gloom, in his

entered, placing the bowl before him,

you haven’t had the appetite

whispered a “mom” under

low spirits, she patted his hand, reassuring, “She holds you in her heart, albeit with resentment With

treatment abroad. You pushed her away, fearing she wouldn’t be able to bear the worst. But did you ever consider her wishes? Her strength? Mark, you possess

dinner in

her, now. She’s avoided visiting because of

unwrapped a mint

stretched on before a faint

night, he dispatched a generous message to Cecilia, wishing her luck on her blind date and

Cecilia responded with silence.

message, a wave of embarrassment overcame Mark, prompting him to set his

creaked; a figure tiptoed

It was Edwin.

gentle tone, Mark inquired, “Want to sleep

Edwin clasped Mark’s waist,

Mark stroked

later, assuming Edwin asleep, Mark was startled when

rasp, Mark replied, “I

relieved sigh escaped Edwin before

Mark’s gaze rested on his

Yet, resentment lingered.

learning through Edwin of her continued

heralded his secretary, who announced with a smile,

Simon Lewis?

dawned on Mark; Simon was the director of Cecilia’s new play. Anticipating a financial appeal, Mark entertained dual motives: a chance

How about this? I’ll

Mark’s spirits noticeably

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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