Chapter 2221 “I can't even bring myself to raise my voice at her, and you think you have the right to humiliate her? Vanessa, there's no second chance for you.” With a definitive slam, he shut the car door, accidentally trapping Vanessa's fingers briefly, turning them purple.

Edwin then drove off, leaving behind a trail of Vanessa's curses.

About five minutes later, Edwin received an angry call from Mark.

“You idiot, do you think marriage is a game? Cancelling an engagement just like that? Get back here right now!” Mark's voice was laden with fury.

Edwin's grip on the steering wheel was tight, betraying the tension that contrasted with his seemingly casual tone.

“It's already what it is. My coming back won't change anything,” he said.

On the other end of the phone, Mark cursed in frustration, “Damn it!" Annoyed, Edwin ended the call abruptly. He pulled up to a red light, his car halting with a screech. As he watched the numbers on the traffic signal count down, his gaze was distant, lost in thought.

ANGELA'sLIBRARY He had made an effort.

After breaking up with Laura, he had tried to move on with Vanessa.

But even her beauty left him feeling nothing. The thought of a lifetime with her, even in a distant, separate living arrangement, didn't appeal to him.

He couldn't fathom having children with her.

Laura had been his first and only significant romantic experience.

They had shared many firsts. Everything had felt right with her, and he had never seriously considered anyone else. Perhaps his lack of interest in other relationships stemmed from being wholly satisfied by her.

Leaning back, Edwin's head thudded softly against the headrest.

A honk from a car behind him snapped him back to reality as the light turned green.

He drove on, reaching his company’s parking lot.

After parking, he hesitated for a moment before dialing Laura's number. She didn't answer, leaving him to wonder if she was upset or crying.

Running his fingers over his phone, Edwin was a mix of annoyance and confusion.

He decided to call Alexis. The phone was answered promptly.

“Take Laura out for dinner,” he said tersely.

Alexis responded with a light chuckle, “Why should I spending time cheering your girl?” Edwin's tone was frigid as he spoke. \

Chapter 2222 “Marcus has always been after a certain oil drilling project, hasn't he? I'll let him have it." Alexis, intrigued, asked, “But why should I get involved? That's a gain for Marcus.” Edwin's frustration was palpable.

“Just name your price, I'll meet it” Alexis agreed, much to his relief.

After the call, he sat lost in thought.

He knew his love for Laura was genuine, yet he also recognized the limitations of what he could offer her. Even without Vanessa in the picture, a future together seemed unattainable.

Walking into the company, he was met by Tina's surprised look.

She had expected him to be with Miss Smith for her wedding dress fitting.

Removing his coat, Edwin walked into his office.

“Bring me the file for the Zenith Corporation partnership.” Tina nodded.

While fetching the documents, she mused to herself about how love troubles often turned men into workaholics.

She returned with a substantial stack of paperwork.

Edwin delved into it, working until Tina reappeared at day's end with a complicated look.

“Mr. Evans, your father called. He's inviting you to dinner.” Without glancing up, Edwin quipped, “Has he become that gentle now?” Tina, feeling uneasy, hesitated.

Edwin prompted her to repeat Mark's message. Taking a deep breath, she relayed, “Mr. Evans said, ‘Tell that bastard son of mine to roll back here!™ Her delivery was hesitant, almost fearful of Edwin's reaction.

Edwin closed the file with an air of composure.

“That sounds more like him,” he commented, prompting a weak smile from Tina.

As he prepared to leave, Tina quietly informed him, “Miss Smith called several times. I told her you were unavailable.” Pausing, Edwin replied with a hint of appreciation, “Tina, you've just earned yourself a raise.”

Chapter 2223 Her face lit up with excitement.

He then made his way downstairs, got into his car, and drove home.

At home, Mark was dining with Cecilia, his tone reminiscent of his gentler, younger days. Edwin settled casually at the table and asked the maid for a plate. Midway through his meal, he caught his father’s stern gaze.

With a chuckle, Edwin teased, “Dad, you're always hovering around Duefron these days. Ever thought of checking in at Czanch? Olivia might be dating someone in secret while you're away.” Mark, unamused, shot back, “Don’t bring Olivia into this. You promised Grandma you'd settle down and continue the family line." Cecilia, unaware of the whole story, offered Edwin a piece of fish, glancing at her husband.

“Isn't this just a small lovers’ spat? We had our fair share of breakups back in the day. Maybe you should do some self-reflection.” Visibly irked, Mark pointed at Edwin.

upstairs. We need to talk. And stop hiding behind your mother. You're 26! It’s time

intervene, Mark added firmly, “Don’t baby him. He's full-grown now, capable of his own decisions and mistakes.” Cecilia inquired, “What's he done now?” Mark, feeling somewhat embarrassed to discuss it, didn’t answer and instead hastily made his way

to Edwin and said reassuringly, “Don’t worry about him. He's just experiencing a

Mom,” he

of the

a few more years to have grandchildren. But honestly, I don't really want you to rush into marriage. Being Grandma makes me

his father upstairs, Cecilia, still concerned,

Edwin nodded in acknowledgment.

set up what felt like an interrogation. As Edwin walked in, Mark sarcastically commented, “Relying on your mother has

asked, “What's happening with you and

of Vanessa, but in some way, he

was not

a man of keen insight, lit a cigarette

Don't make me wait!" Unfazed, Edwin mirrored his father’s actions, lighting his

“We do not have feelings for each other anymore, so we ended it” “Bullshit!

shifted to

the door, and then turned to Mark with a sharp

you want me to say, Dad? That I'm only in love with Laura? That I want to be with her, have children with her, and that I have no interest in Vanessa? Or should I admit that marrying Vanessa ‘would be

emotion, he shouted, “Edwin, have you lost your

Mark's gaze calmly and said, “You're the one who brought her into my life. If it weren't for that, I might be happily married to someone else by now, not trapped

into this house for you to use her or toy with her emotions.” “Dad, I'm not playing games,” Edwin whispered, his voice soft but impactful, each word resonating like a note on

had shown little interest in women, to the point

now, it was clear that Edwin, too, had

our family’s, and for Laura's too. Think about it. If she joins our family and clashes with your mother, how will they coexist? You know Laura's personality.”

that this might be the only love I'll ever have in my

composed than before, conveyed

my own issues after Laura's married.” Mark was taken aback by

this ordeal, Edwin had maintained a stoic facade, but now, Mark could see not just pain but also

was a poignant

His voice softened.

to indulge his children, but this issue was too significant

more, but Edwin interjected, “Let's just leave it there.” With those words, Edwin

waiting, phone in

called her,

to this potential marriage was clear, highlighting

as a mother perceiving Edwin's lack

softly asked Edwin, “Do you have someone you care about? Mark and I aren't overly concerned about family backgrounds. As long as she's likable, gentle, and sensible,

mother, aware that the woman he loved

some rest,” he said gently, masking

ascended the stairs, Cecilia's

view, she went into the study where

from his hand, she admonished softly, “You should smoke less, for your health.” Mark closed

a low voice, she informed him, “Thomas called. He wants

about Edwin and Vanessa.” Showing no sign of jealousy, Mark responded pragmatically, “Go see him. You saw how

are you and Edwin keeping something from me? Mark tenderly

day, at Duefron’s most high-end restaurant, Thomas had arranged a private room for a meeting with

though not culminating in

they were here to discuss the affairs of their

She said softly, “Thomas, I understand why you've asked to meet today, but Edwin isn't a child. Some decisions aren't

moment to consider

Cecilia. But you should know the combined influence of the Evans, Fowler, and Smith families would be significant.” Slightly flustered, Cecilia responded, “I'm not really into

remained that sweet and innocent

the mood, he said, “Perhaps I was being too materialistic.” His thoughts then drifted to Laura. After Vanessa had mentioned her, his brother Weldon had tasked him with addressing the situation. He remembered Laura was quiet and reserved,

also a deeper connection between

the Evans family found out about Edwin's connection with Laura, they would certainly oppose it, which would ensure Vanessa and

youthful feelings for Cecilia, Thomas found himself struggling to reveal such

away from the marriage topic,

Cecilia told Mark

conversation she had with Thomas, instead mentioning the pleasantness of

business, not to reminisce about old times with Mr. Smith.” With a teasing tone, Cecilia replied, “We did have our dates back in the day, and you were

2227 Unable to resist the moment, he then scooped

resistance was met with

still so spirited.” As Mark's hands wandered under her clothes, he teased her, “Age hasn't dampened your spirits, has it?" Cecilia's cheeks

of their love — Afterwards, Cecilia playfully scolded him as she pinched his waist, “You really got

bedside table, applying it gently to her. His voice was soft and

too enthusiastic, just a bit jealous after your

him closely, her voice playful yet

has someone special in his heart. Has he

Thomas discussing such matters with Cecilia irked

this revelation

her, Mark made a

came the reply from the other


faced harsh criticism due to rumors of the Evans’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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