Chapter 2251 Laura didn’t attempt to mask the truth.

“He returned to Duefron. His parents have just come back from abroad.” Edwin lapsed into silence for a few moments and then pressed, “You understand what I'm asking about! Is there any emotional connection between the two of you?” Laura hesitated, reluctant to respond.

She gently pushed his hand away and proceeded ahead, with Edwin trailing behind.

As they meandered, Laura occasionally perused the wares displayed in the roadside shops.

Having encountered numerous exquisite items, she was not easily impressed. However, her attention was soon captivated by a wooden comb, its texture and design catching her eye.

She picked it up and inquired, “How much does this cost?” The owner, noting the imposing demeanor of her companion, quoted a rather steep price and spun a melodramatic tale of lost love to embellish the comb's value.

“Wouldn't you agree, this comb is easily worth two thousand dollars?” The tale spun by the owner was nothing short of comical.

Laura couldn't stifle her laughter as she ran her fingers over the comb’s teeth.

“That's way too steep!” However, the man beside her had already handed over two thousand dollars to the shopkeeper.

Despite her initial reluctance to engage with him, Laura couldn't help but comment, “It's not worth that much!” Edwin turned to her and responded, “You haven't laughed in a long while. That story managed to bring a smile to your face; that alone makes it worth two thousand dollars.” His words were laced with emotion, bordering on the sentimental, causing Laura's cheeks to flush faintly.

Even the owner appeared somewhat abashed.

Edwin nonchalantly remarked, “Keep it. We're not too concerned about the two thousand dollars. Doing business isn't easy for you anyway.” The owner couldn't hide his emotions.

The customer was not only generous but also possessed a handsome charm, complemented by his affectionate demeanor.

Chapter 2252 At times like that, he almost wished he were a woman.

As they exited the store, Laura displayed a genuine affection for the comb, scrutinizing it beneath the soft glow of the streetlights.

Delicate snowflakes danced through the night sky.

Her silhouette exuded elegance and beauty, her countenance radiating an ineffable gentleness.

Edwin struggled to articulate the fluttering sensation within his heart; that form of affection was entirely to him. Overflowing with fondness, he gently touched her hair.

“A simple comb brought you such happiness, huh?” Laura murmured softly, “I'll transfer the money to you later.” Edwin remained silent.

She gazed up into his profound eyes and took an instinctive step backward.

Edwin advanced, gently ushering her into a secluded corner.

They stood adjacent to a brilliantly illuminated and bustling alley.

They occupied a dim and secluded nook, shielded from view unless they were to cause quite a commotion. The notion sparked an electric charge in the air surrounding them.

Edwin comprehended that it wasn't the opportune moment.

Uncertain of Laura's receptivity, he nevertheless yearned for her, eager to affirm her place by his side.

He embraced her, planting a tender, slightly urgent kiss upon her lips.

“There's still over a thousand in cash in my wallet!” Just a stone's throw away stood a distinctive inn.

Two vivid red lanterns adorned its entrance, akin to the fiery desire shared by young lovers.

Laura succumbed to the allure.

Edwin's kiss descended upon her, drawing her into a fervent embrace, their bodies pressed closely together, leaving only her delicate countenance exposed, her crimson lips tantalizingly inviting.

Edwin's kiss possessed a newfound intensity.

He cupped her face, shifting angles to explore inside her mouth, relishing the taste of her and savoring her soft, kitten-like whimpers.

The desire coursed through his veins, setting his blood ablaze.

He grabbed her waist, drawing her nearer.

Their lips locked in a passionate fusion, and he whispered incoherently, “Do you want this? Laura, do you yearn for this? Do you want me?”

Chapter 2253 How could Laura possibly resist Edwin? How could she not long for him? Their most cherished moments unfolded during those nights when they fervently held each other close.

He possessed an intimate knowledge of her body, while she comprehended the intricacies of his desires.

In the grand scheme of things, they only truly had each other.

Amid this frigid winter night, their youthful forms pressed tightly together, they seemed on the verge of combustion, particularly Edwin, who burned with lust.

He unfastened his coat and enfolded her in his embrace.

‘A mere meter away, passersby came and went.

Yet, in the subdued light, they kissed with unbridled passion.

Edwin's searing hand glided along her slender waist as if seeking to meld their very beings, and Laura let out a feeble cry.

“Edwin!” Edwin's body tensed ever so slightly.

He ceased their kiss, directing his gaze downward at Laura.

Laura didn’t dare to move; she rested against his chest, feeling the wild cadence of his heart.

She lacked the courage to meet his eyes.

However, Edwin lowered himself once more, tenderly recapturing her lips, sucking it gently.

His fiery breath, akin to a potent aphrodisiac, left her with no refuge. Her voice emerged hoarse and raspy as she questioned, “You clearly desire this, so are you simply afraid?” A glimmer of lucidity returned to Laura.

head against his shoulder,

shouldn't be doing this." Edwin remained silent,

was becoming

his black coat and the young man's hair

experienced a blend of embarrassment

she dared to extend her

hundred times. I refuse to believe you've forgotten.

uncertain whether it was due to the cold or some other emotion. Pedestrians had long

made several futile attempts

He turned to her.

for the night? I'll book for

on her clothes, leaving her with a distinct

vacantly at the snowflakes outside, her

we consider walking back?” Edwin's hand

a sense of unease creep over

her attention to the car window, lost in

released a soft

me?” No” Laura's voice was low, almost a

was taken aback as Edwin simply drew her into

hold you accountable for anything that might happen.” Exasperated, Laura vented her frustration by delivering a swift

whispering into her ear, “Your desires are quite evident.” Though he didn’t rely solely on his looks, he possessed a fair measure of confidence in his appearance. Laura harbored genuine affection

intensified, yet

Laura couldn't help but feel

nestled against him, concealing her face within the folds

her back and engaged in conversation with the

there's only one single bed room available. All

Edwin's brows furrowed.

a brief look in Laura's

ordinary couple, chimed in, “This room is truly exceptional. It boasts the finest amenities in our inn, including a spacious terrace for savoring the snowy view.”

Laura's and teased, “Feeling a bit shy, are

were greeted by a well-appointed space.

his coat

he proceeded to put the kettle

enjoy a warm beverage

observed Edwin as he moved about with ease, and a twinge of embarrassment crept over her. Clutching her phone, she grappled

and before she could delve into the details, Lina

car broke down? That's very convenient!

didn't wish to add to Laura's troubles. Instead, she advised Laura to return early the following

responded with a

the call, she raised her gaze to find Edwin watching her in

the window, her

of water and

“Drink this and warm up a bit. I'll take a shower first, and then you should,

catch a cold.” Laura found herself alone in the room with Edwin, and the prospect of taking a shower

girl, will you?” Laura took her time sipping the hot

we'll sleep together” Laura's countenance paled with anger, and she opted to

playful glint in

eye contact,

bathroom, the sound of running water gradually filling the room.

an indistinct, husky male voice seemed to emanate,

no longer the naive girl she

found herself blushing uncontrollably, biting her lip, and hugging herself

Edwin was truly audacious.

bathrobe, his expression was inscrutable. However, Laura knew better; her cheeks burned, and she adamantly avoided making


I've cleaned it for you. Why don't you soak for a while?” Laura clutched herself, meeting his

“I'm a man. Isn't such things

resist his hold but


parted, have you ever been with another

“No!” Laura asserted

be burning, and she attempted to rise, desperate to escape, but Edwin's embrace held her firmly in place. A petite figure like her had

fresh from the

their considerable size difference, Laura appeared as a small rabbit cradled by

about their first time; how he had been hesitant to touch her, afraid of causing

delicate creature, afraid to make a move, her eyes still

her face, his


desperately yearned to remain close to her but was haunted by the dread of her repulsion. After pondering

I've never been with

welled up

rose silently and made her

lost in contemplation. Was her reluctance to fully commit to him truly rooted solely in her family’s expectations? No, there was also

and Vanessa maintained a

hadn't been

kisses, particularly in the presence of elders, demanded a

It troubled her.

those sentiments were challenging to put into

slightly, struggling to hold

emerging from the shower, her nose was inevitably

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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