Chapter 2391 “Frankly, you're incredibly rude. I wouldn't dream of selling the wedding dress I design to someone like you.” The woman's eyes widened in disbelief.

Undeterred, Laura, realizing she was no match for the woman's physical prowess, swiftly gathered her belongings and made a hasty exit, not even catching sight of Edwin in her rush.

Edwin felt a twinge of sadness.

He knew Laura like the back of his hand.

She'd get flustered even at the hint of a raised voice.

Angela's Library But now she confronted malice head-on, courageously asserting herself in a way she never had before.

Edwin emerged from the shadows, a deliberate presence.

As the affluent woman finished her coffee, preparing to depart, she glanced up to find Edwin observing her with a stern expression. She mustered a forced smile and stuttered, “Mr. Evans...” Edwin calmly picked up the coffee cup that had been Laura's.

In the next instant, he showered the woman's face with the remaining coffee.

The cafe buzzed with onlookers, and the woman, flustered but unable to retaliate against Edwin, anxiously whispered, “What is the meaning of this? Mr. Evans, have you forgotten that my husband has business dealings with you?” Edwin chuckled with a cold edge.

“Public humiliation doesn't feel great, does it? But I'll make amends.” With a casual demeanor, he pulled out his checkbook, wrote a check for 280, 00, and remarked as he tore it out, “I may have a packed schedule, but I've still got the energy to handle a small-timer!” The woman stood there, utterly stunned.

Edwin smoothly stowed away the checkbook and made his exit with grace.

As he reached the door, he paused dramatically and added, “Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Laura happens to be my wife!” His words reverberated through the cafe, sparking a round of applause, particularly from the younger onlookers who had witnessed the entire spectacle.

Right or wrong, they relished seeing the haughty woman put in her place.

EF 5 EC 4 Ti Lr i ee ee mare Koos Her eyes were tinged with red, giving her the appearance of a delicate, adorable rabbit in distress.

He observed her from a distance, contemplating.

Soon, Edwin's eyes fell on a nearby cotton candy stand. He approached and purchased a cotton candy, the vendor eyeing him with curiosity.

Chapter 2392 Edwin flashed a hundred dollar bill, explaining with a smile, “My wife's feeling a bit down, so I thought I'd bring her some cheer.” The cotton candy seller chuckled, his initial skepticism melting away.

Edwin gestured for him to keep the change, prompting the seller to craft a cute, fluffy rabbit-shaped cotton candy as Edwin requested.

Carrying the sweet confection, Edwin approached Laura and extended it toward her, a gesture of solace.

Laura took a moment, her red, teary eyes lifting to meet Edwin's gaze.

Edwin crouched down, delicately placing the stick of cotton candy in her hand.

His voice, remarkably tender, asked, “Want me to carry you?” Laura looked at him and managed a smile.

Without further words, Edwin affectionately patted her head and dusted off her shoulders.

“Let's go. We're having dinner at my parents’.

Laura obediently trailed behind him.

His hand exuded warmth, and his presence became strangely comforting.

ANGELA'SLIBRARY In that moment, the earlier unpleasantness seemed to fade into insignificance.

Once inside the car, she couldn't help but admire the rabbit-shaped cotton candy, hesitating to eat it.

Edwin buckled up, glancing at her with a smile.

“If you like it, I can arrange to have them specially made for you every day.” “No way! It'll make me fat!” Edwin started the car, playing along with mock seriousness, “The little rabbit can afford to be a bit fluffier.” Laura shot him a playful glare.

Her timid facade had always been a mere veneer.

Edwin felt an unexpected tranquility wash over him, soothing the day's fatigue and anxiety. He tenderly squeezed her hand and called her by her H & Her nose was red, whether from the cold or her recent tears, he couldn't discern.

As they paused at a red light, he retrieved something from the glove compartment and passed it to her.

Chapter 2393 Unfolding it revealed their marriage certificate, a document that told the tale of their shared journey.

Laura was entranced, her gaze lingering on the intricate details of their commitment.

Everything was just so perfectly beautiful.

Laura found herself captivated, momentarily forgetting the cotton candy in her grasp. Edwin observed her with tender eyes, radiating an indescribable warmth.

In the past, Edwin had harbored impure motives, but the moment he became serious and committed to her, an unbreakable bond formed.

He refused to surrender, and he wouldn't allow Laura to relinquish their connection either.

Acknowledging his own domineering nature, Edwin realized that Laura, his endearing girl, held onto only memories of his kindness while letting go of past wounds.

He believed such an innocent little thing was more suited to be his cherished companion, a notion reflected in the endearing term, “Mrs. Evans.” As Laura concluded her contemplation of the document, she raised her eyes to meet Edwin's gaze, shyly sitting upright and avoiding direct eye contact.

Edwin chuckled softly, the sound carrying an affectionate undertone.

Thirty minutes later, they pulled into the villa that Mark had acquired years ago.

ANGELA'sLIBRARY Early spring had cast its spell on the yard, coaxing tender, green leaves from the trees.

Laura stepped out of the car, drawn to the budding leaves, unable to resist touching them. Edwin, ever playful, teased her about potential tiny worms, and she instinctively retreated into his embrace.

Lowering his head, he affectionately nuzzled her nose, jesting, “Afraid of little worms but not the big one-always eager to see it” Having spent some time with him, Laura was gradually unraveling the complexities of relationships.

Edwin's banter took her by surprise, and her face flushed red, leaving her momentarily speechless.

the entrance, Mark stood with

sight of his son teasing little Laura. Though he couldn't hear their

a drag

raised you better” Edwin, unabashed and with his arm draped around Laura's

the scene for a while,

Not because he disapproved of their union, but because he hadn't anticipated his

over Mark as he pondered

for Laura echoed Mark's own

hadn't possessed the same unwavering

it was the weight of his own life experiences, whereas Edwin had only

small hand

didn't voice it, Edwin sensed her concern about his father’s opinion

so thrilled that words fail you?" Mark playfully smacked

“From now on, we are real family!” A tingling sensation touched Laura's

a brief pause, Laura approached

pang of regret coursed through

more attentive to her in her childhood, offering hugs and comfort.

chance to

son would

help me serve dinner; you go upstairs and check on Cecilia. She's discovered some lovely things in the cabinets for you.” Laura felt a surge of

the suggestion, Laura ascended

report to Mark, revealing softly, “We couldn't come to an agreement.” His demeanor hinted

2395 Mark, perceptive to his son's intentions, surmised that Edwin intended

you have

his son, offering a

But, Edwin, now that you have a wife, while your career matters, don't overlook your family. I was too consumed by

of silver strands in his hair, he

those years hadn't been

touch of

lingered at the entrance, quietly finishing a cigarette before

entered the master

engrossed in a task, greeted her without turning around, “Hi, Laura.”

share with you.” Cecilia paused briefly, and then

Cecilia, without delving further into the topic,

from Zoey, Edwin's grandmother, and Rena gave quite a few too! There's no way I can wear them all at once.” Laura, dutifully, moved

couldn't help but feel a quiet

had gained another

Cecilia meticulously showcased each piece to Laura, quietly contemplating which ones suited

end, Laura received

bridal gift from Juliette to Cecilia

hesitation, handed it over

Laura hesitated, thinking such a precious gift should be

Cecilia dismissed her concerns with a warm smile.

we'll find something else for her!” Laura, swayed by

Olivia got married, she would insist on Edwin providing the absolute best, even

naughty thoughts, her face

Cecilia couldn't help but find it

is your face so red?”

in reading between the

excused herself and

while the past wasn't entirely forgotten, she chose to let go because she was not just Mark's wife but also

truly cared for Laura, and

dawned on Cecilia that Laura had the capacity to bring joy to Edwin for a lifetime. What more could she worry about? Downstairs, Laura descended with a small box in hand. Seeing her, Edwin, who had set the

“From Mom?" he guessed.

to keep it safe

removed his coat, revealing a navy blue sweater that accentuated

store everything I give you each year. When we're

a desire for children, suggested softly, “How about two?" Having a

hummed softly

exchange, found it overwhelmingly sweet. His son had truly

dinner, savoring the warmth and unity

and encouraged Edwin and Laura to enjoy each other’s

Dad, we'll

exit Edwin hugged Cecilia

Observing her son open the car door for his wife and escort her

have really grown up!”

an arm around her, teasingly asking, “What, secretly calling me old again?” Cecilia rested against Mark's shoulder,

at this stage of life, Mark retained his charm, and there were undoubtedly women who would find him desirable. He had taken good care of himself, ensuring Cecilia didn’t miss

spanning over the years, had been a

Edwin and

take her home, Laura soon realized the car was heading towards their old

she found Edwin focused on the road in the darkness of the night,


is our wedding night, Laura.

a twinge of embarrassment, familiar with

we hold the wedding someday, you'll definitely declare it’s our wedding night again! wx ome reason, and you always...” Her


his lighthearted trap, Laura maintained her

laughter, making it abundantly clear, “I always bring out the wild side,

Laura couldn't help but

he seemed like such a decent and talented young man. Now, he was audaciously vocal, saying whatever pleased him. Despite


her, finding amusement in

glided smoothly on the return

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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