Chapter 2631 “I just need to chill out” “Nope. No bar hopping for you." Alexis chuckled. “What, are you planning to keep me on a leash or something?” Leonel’s response was slow but playful. “If that's the game you're into, 'm in.” Alexis couldnt believe his audacity and scoffed, “In your dreams.” Just as Leonel was about to respond, his phone interrupted. It was an unknown caller.

The voice on the other end was direct. “Is this Mr. Leonel Douglas? I regret to inform you that your father has died in prison.” The word ‘died’ echoed in Leonel’s mind.

() He was momentarily lost for words.

He wanted to deny the man was his father, yet he remained silent.

What was the point? The man was dead already.

Alexis overheard part of the conversation.

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She gently patted Leonel’s shoulder, suggesting softly, “You should go handle this. It'll be your last chance to see him.” Leonel ended the call, the sound echoing in the quiet room.

He gazed at Alexis, his eyes reflecting a silent sorrow. Deep inside, he grappled with a complex mix of emotions. The news of his father’s death had struck him unexpectedly, leaving him lost in a sea of conflicting feelings.

Leonel harbored a sense of relief, believing it to be the result of Kenneth’s own karma.

With his passing, Leonel also realized he was alone in the world, without any blood relatives.

Time seemed to stretch on before Leonel finally found his voice.

Alexis opened her mouth to speak, but Leonel gently took her hand before she could form a question. “Alexis, can you come with me?” he asked, his voice as soft as a murmur.

It was not about saying final goodbye to Kenneth together or anything.

Leonel simply knew he needed Alexis by his side more than ever.

Alexis nodded, her eyes full of understanding. “Okay, I'l come with you.”

Chapter 2632 They would have to travel to another city to see Kenneth for the last time, which would take about three hundred kilometers from where Leonel stood.

Once they were settled in the car, Alexis asked softly, “How about I drive? You don’t look too well.” “It's fine,” Leonel replied, brushing off her concern with a slight shake of his head.

He took a moment, sitting in silence, before securing his seat belt and igniting the engine.

() Three hours later, they arrived at Warsew.

Upon arrival, Leonel signed his name, and two hours later, he received a white urn containing Kenneth's ashes.

Outside, Alexis waited patiently.

As Leonel emerged, she approached him with a gentle inquiry. “Are you planning to take it back to Duefron?” Leonel, his voice low, shook his head. “He hasn't completed his journey yet. I'll leave it here in Warsew.

Alexis felt a wave of confusion wash over her.

Leonel led her to the riverside. He carefully opened the urn and released the ashes gently into the flowing river.

Gradually, the dust remains drifted away, disappearing into the waters depths.

A silent finality hung in the air.

Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, Alexis gently asked, “Do you still hate him?” Leonel offered no words in response. Instead, he turned and embraced Alexis tenderly.

He nestled his face close to her, remaining silent, lost in his thoughts.

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Alexis chose not to break the silence.

Gazing into the distance, she pondered how the shadows of one’s childhood could take a lifetime to fade. Despite Leonel's wealth and success, the scars of his past seemed destined to linger in his heart forever.

They lingered by the river for about half an hour before finally departing.

As the evening settled in at eight, Leonel guided the car back to Duefron. Remaining seated, he softly suggested to Alexis, “You go home first.” Casting a side glance at him, Alexis sensed something unspoken.

In a tone filled with quiet resolve, Leonel added, “I'm heading out.

I'll return before ten.” Alexis understood his unspoken intentions.

Chapter 2633 She simply nodded. “Alright, but do come back early,” she responded.

After she stepped out of the car, she paused, leaned back toward the window, and gently advised, “Drive slowly, okay?” A subtle smile briefly crossed Leonel’s face as he acknowledged her concern.

The car door closed, and the sleek black sports car gradually disappeared into the night. Alexis remained outside for a moment, her gaze following the path he had taken. She knew he was heading to visit his mother’s grave.

Upon entering her apartment, Alexis closed the door and let out a tired sigh. She pulled out a hefty stack of dossiers, determined to occupy her mind while waiting for Leonel. Despite feeling exhausted, she made herself a strong cup of coffee, bracing herself for the long evening ahead.

Leonel didn't return until the clock neared midnight.

in a warm embrace as he opened the door. Alexis was engrossed in documents on the sofa, her demeanor quieter than usual, eyes focused intently on

coat, Leonel entered the room. “Why

that she was still in the clothes she had worn earlier which was a clear sign she had

a fool, but such a

over the sofa

head to bed after finishing this." Gently, Leonel took the

gaze, Alexis countered, “What about you? You haven't eaten

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proposed, “I'll make us two bowls of noodles.” “Alright” Alexis observed him as he rolled up his sleeves and moved toward the kitchen.

their relationship was

two steaming bowls of noodles, accompanied by

was still enjoying her

concern in her voice. Her worry came through as she couldn't help but comment, “That's hardly enough.” Leonel gently patted the back of her hand, his voice low.

opened her mouth to speak but then paused,

But sleep seemed elusive; how could she rest so easily?

night. His presence, filled with a palpable sense of negativity, might affect Alexis. Yet, he longed for her by his side, craving her to be closer

wore on, sleep finally claimed

her side, the bed bearing

aroma of bacon and coffee wafted through the

already prepared breakfast. He sat at the table, engrossed in the

morning.” () ‘s () Alexis gazed at him, a question in her eyes. “Have you been awake all night?” “No, I saw you were asleep and didn’t want to disturb you. I slept

end, he’s just a distant memory now.” Under her breath, Alexis murmured, “You can be quite guarded. Leonel, it's not shameful to show your emotions in front of me. I've

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short while, she returned, dressed for

usual, Leonel poured her a glass

touched him, as though Kenneth's passing was a mere blip in his heart, something

true feelings. She understood that Leonel needed his own time to process

she was caught off guard

get married.” Alexis nearly spat the milk out of her mouth in

was utterly

His proposal, delivered in such a casual manner, felt more like their usual

hand, his voice rough with emotion. “Alexis, I mean it." Alexis looked into his eyes, struggling for words. Finally, she managed to speak. “Isn't this too sudden?” Leonel’s smile was gentle. “You're already wearing the engagement ring. And if you desire something more romantic, I can make that happen. But first, you have to say yes.” “And if I don’t agree, you won't make the arrangements, right?”

light chuckle escaped him,

found herself

Leonel then asked, “Are you surprised? Come on, what's your answer?” Alexis’ response came with less hesitation. “Alright, go ahead and arrange it.” “I'm actually

truly cared for Leonel and had long harbored thoughts of marrying him. His proposal might have been abrupt, but she didn’t hesitate to accept. She did,

broadened. “I've been stuck with you since kindergarten. Who's really at a disadvantage here?” Alexis let out a playful snort. “But you're the one who left halfway through.” “I'm right here.

I live,” Alexis

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news of their upcoming marriage reached

Cecilia made a special trip from Czanch to discuss the wedding date and various arrangements

with them, Alexis found herself with a bit

date was fixed

the wedding so soon? It’s going to be

clarified, “It was actually Leonel’s idea. He said he wanted to marry you

“So, it was you all along” Leonel offered a smile. “What's the matter? Don’t you want to get married

everything was moving too quickly. Ever since Kenneth's passing, there seemed to be

by others, but Alexis felt it deeply

had taken to lying on a pillow in his bed, silently gazing at Alexis

‘s () She lay in his embrace, and yet he watched over

Alexis was brought back to the present when a servant handed her a glass of hawthorn

is this? Why does it make me feel sick?” Claribel responded with innocent surprise,

felt that way

over Claribel’s expression. That speculation soon caught the attention of others


clarify, Alexis, leaning weakly against the wall, emerged and said feebly, “I just went for a run. There's no way I could be pregnant.” Books Chapters Are

she looked at Leonel,

emotion in her eyes, and

however, seemed to disappoint the older

of Alexis’ pregnancy would have

to appear indifferent, Mark chimed in. “It's okay that you're not pregnant. I think Edwin and Laura might be considering another child next year.” At that, Cecilia gave Edwin a sharp kick. “Laura will have a hard time if she's pregnant again so soon. You don't seem to care about her struggles since she’s not your daughter, do you?” Mark quickly backpedaled, admitting his error, “Alright, I

child. And it’s a decision

and triumph; one lowered his

a hint of envy. As they headed back to the car, she remarked, “Mark and Cecilia are really close.” After speaking, she

it’s just from the run? Should we go to the hospital?” Resting against the back of her seat, Alexis


“I can't be pregnant anyway.” Concerned

the hospital.” Alexis’ protests were to no

insisted on taking her to the

are a couple, right?” With a slight pursing of her lips, Alexis

a check-up.” Bewildered, Alexis protested, “But that's not possible.” The doctor, with a knowing look, advised, “I'm the doctor here. And I know what I'm doing.”

find you a doctor.” As he turned to leave, Alexis clutched at his clothes, her voice barely above a whisper. “Leonel... i... if I am really pregnant,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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