Dinner had begun, and the table is awkwardly quiet but I knew all too well that even if Luke knew how much tension there was in the air, he couldn't have guessed the reason behind it.

Luke drops his flute, "So, Caleb. I'd like you to share what you do with my family. Let them get to know you since you'll be staying a few days."

I can't help but wonder how long 'a few days' was. Rocky smiles, adjusting the napkin on his shirt.

"I'm a hotelier. Nothing serious. I plan to acquire assets in popular areas and turn them into hotels. My goal is to have a chain of hotels, all under the same name, just in different locations as my father would've wanted. Luke is on the deciding board of the next building I wish to buy and actually he's the only young person there so I knew that he would be the only I could talk to, to help me get that building, because I really want that building." He pauses and looks at me, "I'm not a fraud, Mrs. Carrington."

I drink my champagne, "Yes. I know now." I respond.

I see Laurel approaching the table with a salad bowl in her hand. I had forgotten I'd made some strawberry-orange-kiwi salad in the morning while Luke was gone because I had a craving. She gets to the table and places it on the table.

"Obviously, I'm no longer allowed to sit or eat at this table. Right, Luke?"

"It's a business dinner, Laurel." He says. I pick a slice of meat from my plate and chew.

She laughs, "So Natalie is a part of that? Natalie's aunt is part of your business too and not me?"

"Yes, Natalie is part of my business, Laurel, because she's my wife." Luke says and I can't help but grin internally. "Please, go." Luke says and I see tears gather in the corners of her eyes, but she leaves immediately he asks her to.

Luke takes the bowl of salad and opens it. "I thought this was another dish. I don't eat fruit salad, my love." He says and my face falls.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." I say.

"I'll have some. I love fruits." Rocky says and I pause, nervously looking at him. He continues, "I have an obsession with fruits if I'm being honest." He says and I squirm, knowing fully well what he meant. He takes the bowl and pours a whole lot into the empty plate beside him. "This will do." He says.

I turn to look at Aunt Ruth who has been silent for a while and I can see she has on a disgusted look. She gives me a side eye and her signature disapproving nod.

"How was your day?" Luke asks, "And Aunt Ruth, I hope you're as comfortable as you would be in your own home?"

Aunt Ruth responds before me, "Absolutely! My bed reminds me of the bed I have in my country house. So soft and calming."

I drink some water, "My day wasn't all that, but I did think of you. I missed you." I say, as I caress his left hand on the table. I look at Rocky and I see him, knowing fully well how envious he would be. It pierced my heart a thousand times being like that with Luke in front of him, but it was the best thing to do. To save him, and to save Luke too.

"Excuse me, I need to get to the bathroom." Aunt Ruth says as she stands to take her leave.

I take some shrimps from the dish bowl and begin to eat. "I feel like having snails and pizza too." I say to Luke as I begin to devour the shrimps.

are quite on

I even have a

I guess I just forgot." I

I mean, if

I might reconsider it." I say as I give him a smile, but as usual, Rocky ruins our moment as he clears his throat. I could swear I saw him

her?" He asks, a weird smile-frown look on

Luke is confused, "Pardon?"

turns to look at me, "I can order you some pizza, Mrs. Carrington. May I?" He asks and

try to play it cool by laughing mildly, "You were listening in on our tête-à-tête? That's a bit rude, don't you think, Mr. Dunes?"

I knew for a fact that Luke was definitely processing what

but it's because I read online that Luke Carrington

"You're afraid of cheese?" I ask, stunned, that for the second

understanding what Rocky meant.

tell her, because it was obvious she

to me, "I'll go order your

do you know

have." He says as he

get up from my chair. "You really must be sick. How dare you still come

my glass of

us," I raise my

gets up and walks to where I'm standing. He holds my right hand tightly. I

am your family! You're just blinded by all the wealth that fool has. I'm

sad that you think I'm with Luke for his money, but if that's what your demented self believes, I won't argue, and don't forget, Luke is way richer than you are. He's richer than the

grinds his teeth together, "Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten how we made love beside the river? I'm the first man who loved you, physically, emotionally— we shared a mental connection. You still love me, right Natalie?

but I love my husband too. I love Luke, more and more everyday. I love him more than I love you, Rocky and he's going to be the last man in

suddenly, he drags me closer to him and rubs his lips on mine as I feel his hands entering my skirt. I moan, "Ah," my eyes closed. His

and as I see a mental image of Luke's face, I regain composure

nothing!" I yell as I leave. As

was that about?" I hear as I look up to

were you yelling at him?" Laurel asks, looking back and forth. Maybe I

to the stairs. My palms are sweaty, my heart racing, and my vision was getting blurred by the water threatening to fall out. I hurriedly rush into my room and lock the door. I rush to my bed and I sit, placing my hands over my face as

door and for a moment, I'm afraid as I panic thinking who it could be. As I hesitate to answer, I hear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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