Chapter 67

“Luna, how’s the progress on the Valiant Institute project’s funding?” Harry asked straightforwardly.

The funding was their priority at the moment.

The project was only moderately profitable, but it required a lot of investment and the timeline was tight.

“I…” Luna’s expression turned bitter. “We managed to collect some debts from some leftover projects, but the gap is still huge. Plus, the project itself isn’t that profitable. The board members have started to voice their rejections, and we are having difficulties in gathering funds.”

Harry knew what was happening too. He frowned and said, “If we drag it out, we won’t be able to give Mayor Freely an explanation.”

He was worried about answering Mayor Freely.

They had gotten the project after many obstacles, and if they could not initiate the project on time, what would Mayor Freely think?

Harry suggested, “Why don’t we go get a loan from the bank?”

Luna’s bitter look remained. “It’s not that easy. We still haven’t paid back our previous loan. The bank won’t lend us any more money.”

Harry knew the odds were slim as well.

ask my friends and see if we can come up with a solution. If all options

have to

sighed. “I guess

hand, Fatty Frank hopped

being commended by Luna. Even his flappy cheeks

happy. What’s up?” Angel went up to him and

who ate the canary. He explained, “Luna just praised me for doing a good up and she’s commending


“Frank! You did it!”

has made Team

That’s great! Our future is

while before walking over to Andrius and hugging the

“This is all made possible because of our boss! When Team Five makes it in the future, don’t forget about our boss and the

you want to say,” Andrius said

the stack of documents on the table. “Luna

basically had nothing to do in the

left the office

bother Andrius with the easy

so he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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