Chapter 116

Try as she might, Milani couldn’t believe Mackenzie was only twenty–seven

years old!

Now that she had completely given up on Immanuel she no longer

bothered to disguise her contempt for the man ” don’t get it What does

she see in you ?*

“How would i know? You’ll have to ask her? Immanual answered


Hg. There s no way I’ll tell her the truth that a secret between me and



“Hmph I still think this is all just an act Milani retorted “I too


None of this makes sense. Emmanuel only eams eighty thousand a year

How does he land himself a wife so far out of his league? Fairy tales aren?

even this ridiculous!

Emmanuel merely smiled and said nothing. He didn’t care what the

woman thought and only wanted to send her home and call it a day.

When Emmanuel finally reached home, he wasted no time expressing his

gratitude to Mackenzie. “Ms. Quillen, thank you for playing along tonight.

Not only have you helped me chase away a pesky woman, but you’ve also

made my mother very happy!”

off with a casual smile, but no matter

tried, she couldn’t hide the sliver of

easy to win my mother–in–law

aren’t I?

was back

only doing this to repay you for beating

to plot against me over

with him sooner!”

little before looking at Mackenzie with

already knew about it, Ms.

you’d better be on your

clingy women around

deal with. You never know when

Gautier suffer many

The previous incident had to

know he had drugged my drinks, and

timely rescue, I have

me! Afterward, even if I wanted revenge, Gautier would

as his scapegoat while

Please be careful too, Ms. Quillen. Feel free to let

I may not be good at many things, but

fighting skills,” Emmanuel proclaimed.

all, he was a battle–tested soldier who would never cower

fight for justice!

smiled coldly and

was at work when he received an urgent

from Alessandra.

has been

was tricked into carrying out illegal activities abroad,

return home, his captors are demanding a

one hundred and sixty thousand!” Alessandra choked

make matters worse, her father, Hermann Cadigan, had called

and demanded that she chip

supposed to get

listening to Alessandra’s brief rundown, even

longer hold


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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