Abusive Wife

Abusive Wife Chapter 219

Chapter 219

What am I trying to do, you ask? I am trying to expose your wrongdoings. I am going to expose that you use the backdoor to get an upper hand on the selection. I am going to expose your dark secret!”

“I see. If you are so righteous, then what were you and your honorable lady trying to do just now?”

“Ms. Solace just wanted to submit her application herself. She would never use dirty methods like you!”

“Is that so? It’s clearly stated in the participant booklet that nominees would be invited for an interview only when they pass the preliminary stages. Everyone has to follow the procedure without fail. They can’t get in contact with the judges before the interview. I believe that Ms. Solace also received this booklet, didn’t she? Not only did your plan of bypassing standard procedure fail, you even slander Professor Seeker and the association. How dare you!”

Madeline’s face darkened as she probed Liam without holding back.

Liam just wanted to stand up for his missus, but he did not expect to bump into a difficult obstacle like Madeline. If they really shoulder the blame for trying to use backhanded tactics and in the process ruining Ms, Solace’s reputation, that would be the end of the world for him.

If that happened, he would not be of any use to Ms. Solace anymore!

“You b*tch, how dare you insult Ms. Solace! You need to be taught a lesson!”

“Liam, Professor Seeker is still here. You have to watch your manners.” Annalise

standing outside was listening to the whole fiasco, and seeing that things had escalated, she took this opportunity to intervene.

She naively thought that after Liam had berated them, these people would know their place and welcome her.

Little did she know, not only things did not develop as she wished, the conversation was steered in an unimaginable direction.

How could they blatantly imply that they were actually using backhanded tactics now?

This was not something they could be proud of.

“Ms. Solace, they’re all bullies!” Liam saw that Annalise had joined in, and he

immediately felt like he had found his savior. He began to complain to her as if he was wronged.

our application, and we don’t know about the guidelines as stated in the booklet. This is our mistake. However, isn’t

was maintaining her calm and graceful facade. She wanted to get rid of

Professor Seeker as if she was at home. Her mood slowly became

really pretty. Even though she was dressed in a plain T-

on that woman, she immediately felt that she was no ordinary woman. She was even a little envious of her

be suspicious of her. It was because of jealousy. Madeline looked like someone who could use some backhanded

were the case, Annalise secretly planned to kill two birds

her incompetent assistant, chipped in agitatedly, “She’s right. Professor Seeker, since you can accept applicants using backhanded tactics, why don’t you consider Ms. Solace? You must have known that Ms. Solace is from

he instinctively thought that Annalise was feeling unfair about

much thought, he blurted out

him, she could not

without shame?” Madeline shook her head

had a pale face because she couldn’t believe what her assistant had just

can’t believe this, you’d think the whole world is going to the dogs! Chairman, you must be strict about these indecent practices.


years. The thing

his very eyes not long after he assumed the judge position in the association. Gone were the days

with what you said, professor.” Madeline

his mouth, and he also just heard some important information. This prompted

Ms. Madeline, and she is the chairman of the Global Philanthropy Committee.”


felt like she

to the floor, and she was only able to stand because Madeline was quick to

when Annalice looked up again, there was no

evil energy

chairman? So you were just putting up an act with Professor Seeker just now, and you were trying to make everyone misunderstand us? You were trying to label us as people who would use backhanded tactics? I must commend you for your good acting. I just really

that Annalise was really good at trying to divert

get the feeling that Ms. Solace is threatening her with the name

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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