Abusive Wife

Abusive Wife Chapter 224

Chapter 224

“Elise, let’s bring Thomas along with us. I’m concerned about leaving him at home alone.” Madeline just saw Thomas trying to hide himself to avoid being seen. She shook her head and suggested Elise bring him out.

This punk would only hide his head during hide and seek, while every other part of him was completely exposed.

This is one of the childish characteristics he has.

However, he never listened or changed this habit.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring young children to the market. Let’s ask for Mr. Charles to come over; we can give him the pin numbers.”


Madeline disagreed with her, but Elise was pulling her away.

Even though Thomas was only five years old, he had great self-care skills. Normally, Madeline didn’t have to be concerned about him as long as he did not bully others.

After being pulled into the car, Madeline made a call to Mr. Charles. She requested that he look after Thomas’s dinner, as he needed enough nutrition to grow up.

Judging by how excited Elise was, she thought that their visit to the market would not end early. Most probably, they would only get home after dinner.

Thomas was hiding until he heard the door close. He sighed and dashed to the sofa. He took out his hidden child’s mobile phone from under the soda.

The phone was still on call. He hung up subconsciously. Then he logged in to his Instagram account to contact Colt privately.

Thomas texted him, “Colt, something terrible has happened! Scumbag Daddy is cheating!”

Colton had just gotten a check-up from the treatment room.

He looked at the phone when it rang due to notifications.

He frowned slightly when he saw the text on his phone.

Dylan was looking at the data on his tablet when he accidentally saw Colton’s facial expressions. “Colt, are you alright? Are you hungry? Let’s get ourselves ready

to Auntie Elise’s house for dinner.”

to go

Dylan was finding excuses to go to her house.

she scolded him for being a scumbag. She had also forbidden him

was blocked before even knowing

the reason,

has Daddy recently met a new

to Maddie. He won’t have time

why is he having


“Mommy says it.”

blank; he stared at Colton

on? Does Noah cheat? He shouldn’t

from anxiety.

phone after

be honest. Did you piss Maddie


cheat on her?” Dylan did not want to gossip in front of a child,

you about it? Don’t

Maddie is finally jealous because of me.” Just

thinking about how Madeline criticized Annalise because of

Dylan’s phone call. He had the

special to

you sure everything is fine now? I heard that they

men have death wishes?” All of a sudden, Noah’s anger

still loves me. Someone

next moment?

gave them the

so curious now. What did you do to piss Maddie off so hard? She even considers remarrying to others!”

a hopeless romantic; how did he


damn about her reputation and taught her a lesson. Madeline chastised her for wanting to

could still feel his excitement when he was describing it to

at my wife! She’s so

always wanted to marry you?” Dylan sensed something was not right when he heard

representative of the Solace family for our collaboration this time. I just learned

the representative, why was she being scolded for wanting to ruin others’ families? Noah,

think she addressed herself as my

Noah recalled, the more he felt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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