Abusive Wife

Abusive Wife Chapter 281

Chapter 281

The few indecent guys would never expect Madeline to suddenly shoot up from the floor and kick two of the guys without warning after doing a backflip. She was still in a dizzy state a moment ago.

“Damn you, you f*cking b*tch, you think you are hot stuff, huh? Go get her, boys!” A guy who looked like the leader of the pack had his chin kicked hard by Madeline. It seemed that he had lost some teeth. In a fit of rage, he bellowed and called for his men to go at Madeline all at once.

“Are these all your men? Annalise is really looking down on me.”

Madeline was able to fend off all the guys without any problem. She stood up and was about to leave.

“Stop right there! Or else I will slit her throat!” Suddenly, one of them pressed a knife against Mackenzie’s neck. Mackenzie was unconscious right now.

“Whose neck do you think you are trying to slit?” Mackenzie suddenly opened her eyes and she even made a face at the gangster too. That gangster almost stumbled to the floor because he was so shocked.

Before he could react, Mackenzie pushed a button on her bracelet, which sprung open to produce a make-believe blade. She got behind that person and was now the one who was holding him hostage.

However, she didn’t slit his throat. The edge of the blade was dipped in knockout narcotics. Only a very tiny amount was required to render someone unconscious for a few hours.

“Miss Spiky Hair seems like she has her hands full to prepare all of this, but is this all she got?” Mackenzie kicked at the gangster who was now sprawled on the floor with a disdainful expression.

Actually, when Annalise first appeared in this restaurant and tried to force her way to be around the same dining table with them, Madeline sensed that something was off.

However, she didn’t want to take risks and find out what Annalise was planning because the children were with her.

However, Mackenzie’s senses were sharp too. She had a feeling that Annalise was going to cause some trouble by offering herself to join their meal gathering. This was a good opportunity for her to catch Annalise red-handed.

It was a good chance to show Noah, that scumbag, the true nature of Annalise who was pursuing him.

Therefore, the mother and daughter duo were simply watching everything unravel in front of their eyes a while ago. When Noah was scalded by hot water because of crashing into that waiter, they were a little caught off guard. Didn’t Annalise love Noah so much? How could she put him in harm’s way?

In fact, what had happened was a mistake. The waiter initially planned to pour some wine onto Noah so that he had to go away to change his clothes.

He didn’t expect Noah to block the incoming hot water with his own body just to protect Mackenzie.

he managed to achieve the goal

suite, which aroused some suspicions on Thomas’ part. He secretly slipped out of the

she was about to leave

her surprise, the door was

as sturdy as a rock. She examined the door carefully and found that it had been special reinforced. This was a

of a

worse, she felt that her eyes were closing.

luck that her sickness was relapsing at this exact moment. How she wished that she was sick

who was the one who had injected this drug into her,

for ways to get her phone connected, but to her anguish, she discovered that her toy phone and Madeline’s phone both were in

noticed that Madeline could barely open her eyes, so she stopped fidgeting with

she smelled a strange scent in the air. She looked around and saw that there

take out your gas

backpack, and there should be all kinds of emergency tools or equipment in there.

water that was already on the table, and she quickly clasp the handkerchief onto Madeline’s

she was at her limit, but she couldn’t just fall unconscious just yet. What would

fall unconscious like this before, so she knew that

to stay awake. She slice her thigh slightly with the knife she had brought out of that suite. The pain forced her to

starting to get thicker, and there was barely any visibility at all. Even if the

believe that such an ingenious method was

who were trying to get at them. She had to admit that she was careless to allow things to worsen to such a

and Colton. She had to make sure that they were

diamond ring, but her effort barely put

the sound of a chainsaw came from the direction of the ceiling. She quickly grabbed Mackenzie and ducked out

here, quick!” After a few minutes, Thomas’

she stepped onto

once Mackenzie was rescued, she couldn’t support her own weight anymore. She collapsed to the

shouted frantically and he was about to jump down to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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