Abusive Wife

Abusive Wife Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Annalise Was Puked On

By the time Elise arrived at the bar, Madeline was already blackout drunk. Oscar was next to her tending to her, while a few onlookers were snapping photos with their phones.

She quickly went over and cradled Madeline in her arms. “Why did she drink so much?” she asked Oscar.

“All that alcohol didn’t loosen her lips at all. She didn’t tell me anything,” Oscar said while helplessly shaking his head, though his gaze on Madeline was full of tender care.

Elise happened to notice that. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and she quickly carried Madeline in her arms.

However, Madeline was slightly taller than her, and Elise found it hard to move.

Some of the onlookers went up to Elise and began to bombard her with questions. “Who are you?” “Is Ms. Grant drinking because Mr. Quincy ditched her?” “Who’s that guy over there?”

Elise ignored the questions. The people wanted to ask Oscar, but they could see he had an extraordinary demeanor with a harsh gaze. They dared not go any closer to him, so they continued surrounding Elise.

“Make way!” Elise growled impatiently. Madeline was about to throw up, but those people refused to let them move.

Just when Elise was about to scream in frustration, Oscar came over to her, picked up Madeline in a bridal carry, and walked straight through the crowd.

Wow, he actually looks pretty cool. Elise was about to follow after him when she noticed Wayne beckoning at her. She looked at Oscar uneasily, told him to wait for her at the entrance, and went to look for Wayne.

Oscar nodded in agreement and continued walking outside with Madeline. Unexpectedly, he met Annalise at the door.

Annalise gritted her teeth when she saw her brother carrying Madeline in his arms. Oscar even glared at her, warning her not to speak a word. That made her even angrier.

that b*tch Madeline so much when

Ambassador for Philanthropy and married Noah. If not for her, I

appeared! She took away

ditched her, she’s trying to flirt with Oscar. I can’t

Noah divorced not too long ago.

was implying, “Madeline is looking for other men as soon as she’s divorced. Don’t fall

you here? You

etiquette classes,

as you picked up a call. Everyone is worried about you, and Rowan told me to come and check on you. Don’t forget

worried. Anyone would have thought she was a very empathetic

around them began to whisper to each


Quincy used to be so close to Angie. As soon as Madeline

a cold glare at the two

Grant. Another word of nonsense from you, and I’ll sue you for slander

would have shut up as soon as her brother became angry. However, now that everyone around them was gossiping,

sister, Oscar. You used to love me

gaze. He wanted to walk

She grabbed Madeline’s arm and

someone tug her arm, she leaped away from Oscar, grabbed that person’s arms, and tossed

fell on

at risk of exposing herself. Now that she was sprawled

Click! Click! People kept on taking photos. Annalise hurriedly pulled her skirt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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