Accidental love

chapter 103 He seemed to have a woman

This trick was thought by Anna and Jack together. Just Anna and Lucy alone could not do so well.

But Jack only provided some information.

He touched Anna 's long hair and turned to hug her in his arms.

"When the news comes out tomorrow, no one will doublt your strength again. You deserve the award at the Golden Film Festival."

Anna pouted, "Yes, thanks to you, mysterious agent, or I will be pushed into the abyss by Zoe this time ."

A stain that will never be erased will accompany Anna's life.

Jack took out his phone and showed Anna a message, " Lucy was afraid you were worried and sent this anonymous message to my phone."

"this is……"

Anna looked over her head, and the content was only one sentence, "Be careful of Ole 's methods."

"I still can't find the identity of this person for the time being, but according to my inference, he reminded us that it should be Zoe 's trick.

Jack’s cold eye darkened, he did not think staff from Ole will do such a cheap trick.

"Is it possible that this person is from also Ole , but he is dissatisfied with Zoe , so hiding his identity helped us?" Anna boldly assumed .

" Yes ." Jack got up and poured a glass of red wine for her. "In this circle, there were always in the case that being friends on the surface and secretly enemies."

Anna saw his face become very cold, hugged him from behind in silk pajamas, and whispered softly, "Then we are strangers on the surface, but actually married."

Jack grabbed her finger playfully and placed a soft kiss between her lips. "Apart from you and me, there is no second pair."

He wanted to make Anna 's relationship with him public, so

But marriage was more respectful than love, and he will watch Anna become the only pride around him.


next morning.

public relations department and

unpleasant. She admired Anna 's talent and believed that she had nothing to do with the news accompanying

that the matter involved Ole

Kevin sighed. "Maybe someone wants to hurt our company."

it's impossible for someone in the

and said, "Last time I

Anna had now dispelled the suspicion of sleeping case and she could enter Ole without hindrance .

Kevin shook his head, "I'm sorry, Chen , I'm short of ability. One step later, KB 's agent has already approached Anna , and she is

well, I hope she can

didn't ask any more, Kevin was relieved.

anonymous message was he sent to Lucy , although he promised Zoe not to sign Anna , also became an accomplice

circle was, there were not many places where

"There will be a fashion star night brand show next week. I heard that Jack will also participate. I will

, but was rejected. For such a successful woman like her, it was

I heard that Jack seems to have a woman. The news came from Dahlia."

They are not married yet, and I still


same time, Zoe also saw

was scolded by thousands of people, but she never thought that the content

been in and out of high-end

"This news was revealed by the powerful agent Z in the circle ."

And attached a lot of photos with

Zoe was angry.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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