Accidental love

Chapter 154 Idiocy

“Besides, Anna is too ambitious. I have no idea how you are tamed by her, but she is Ole’s artist so that she must obey what the company says.”

“I am nit tamed by anyone!” John couldn’t believe that how could Chen said he was tamed.

“When you signed Anna, don’t you know what she was thinking? Now you are saying that she is too ambitious, don’t you think it’s too late to say so?” John was a bit indifferent when he heard Chen’s paradoxical excuse.

“John… How could you think like that?”

They were standing face to face but there seemed to be a gap between them.

“Anna hasn’t done anything wrong. She just isn’t willing to get involved in any rumors, attend any social meeting. You know that she has got her love. Why did you force her to see Oven? Now, things go more serious. As for her management company, you did nothing but to blacklist her and give all her resources to Winne and Kitty. I am really disappointed to you…”

Chen was deeply touched by what he said.

“Anna is not a fool, me neither.”

Chen moved her eyes away with embarrassment, “no matter what you said, I’ve already made my mind.”

“Fine…Just forget it. But I am telling you that if you are forcing Anna like this, you will suffer a great loss.”

Chen snorted.

“She is just an actress. I’ve got her contract, what can she do to me?”

“Let’s wait and see.” John gave a meaningful look at her and he could see her hostility.

She wouldn’t stop once she got it started.

Chen realized deeply that John now was standing on Anna’s side. She couldn’t await her doom. Since Anna didn’t have any schedule, there was no point keeping her agent.

John was driving while calling Anna.

to start when he heard Anna’s

Anna asked slightly, “Chen made up her

won’t change her mind. But I am afraid that she would go too far.”

should do. I am

me. But I don’t want to see you broke off with Chen because of me.”

gone through so many hardships. I believe that I won’t lose this time.”

moves again. I hope there would be a hope.”


our cooperation come to an end?”

to protect his image. Compared with Ole, Oven seemed

to stay at home to avoid the reporters.

hard for him to ruin a career of an actress without

that he wanted to ask Anna to apologize to him

that his dad didn’t have any mood to care about him. Oven was angry that he was drinking wine at home. It happened that the shooting sidelight was posted online and the media got it on the top.

as a fairy. There was a strong and tall man standing next to him who looked dashing and gentle. But his face couldn’t be seen,

wineglasses to

over. He saw Oven looked so down and persuade, “don’t be so mad,

challenging me! What the hell do they mean by posting the shooting sidelight? Do they want to tell me how excellent the man is? They forgot how they begged me to

and he was roaring, “Anna is just

a fuss over that, he would be in a trouble once he was filmed by the reporters.

to other artists.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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