Chapter 58 Natalie Spears proactively reveals the clue

“So you don’t need to brag and come here for an experiment. It won’t do you any good, nor will it do Graham

Group any good.”

Julian Graham’s voice was faint, clearly reminding Natalie Spears and unconsciously drawing a line with her.

Natalie Spears raised her eyes and smiled stiffly.

She was too lazy to explain and there was no need to explain. Julian Graham’s misunderstanding of her now

happens not to expose her identity, and she has nothing to lose. Why not?

In Julian Graham’s eyes, the slightly stiff smile of the woman in front of her was clearly sour and at a loss,

making her look pitiful.

However, Julian Graham clearly did not show any emotion.

“Get out of here now.”

These words did not carry any temperature

Natalie Spears pursed her lips, and what came to her mind was that her experiment had not been completed

yet, but looking at the current situation.

Before Natalie Spears could react, Julian Graham had already reached out and pulled her wrist, with a cold

expression as she walked down the stairs

There was no room for Natalie Spears to choose at all, and obviously he didn’t want her to stay in this

experimental building for a moment

Since Natalie Spears had just admitted that he came here to help the the Graham family, it was obvious that

Julian Graham could no longer have doubts.

Natalie Spears did not resist. She followed the man silently, and the two walked back and forth to the side


Natalie Spears lowered her head and glanced at the palm of Julian Graham’s wrist.

Still not letting go?

Julian Graham noticed Natalie Spears’s gaze, and he suddenly let go of her wrist with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

It’s not she wanted him to pull her wrist! What’s the matter with this calm expression?

eyes scanning the bodyguard at

and immediately opened the door, not noticing that there was another person beside Julian Graham.

no wonder Julian Graham could enter the laboratory so

experimental building, even though she had already tightened her defense and specifically instructed the

carefully check the surveillance video of the

at all.

Graham walked directly through the side door?!

door of the experimental building was extremely secret, precisely because the vast majority of people cannot find it, and Philip Johnson did not add more personnel, only sent a bodyguard at the side

by Julian

the door and looked back at Natalie Spears, who was

must be

and he glanced at the woman before getting into the

offend Doctor Nancy. Now that Natalie Spears had come out, he didn’t need to have any further

Spears’s temperament, every

give Natalie Spears any

and when faced with reality

Natalie Spears again in the rearview mirror. He silently glanced at Natalie Spears standing at the

a bit

the Graham family banquet, Natalie Spears seemed to be standing at the entrance of Graham’s

hint of pity

felt by the person who was


or not?” Julian Graham’s

consciousness and said, “Sorry,


assistant quietly glanced at the gloomy CEO, and carefully asked “CEO, why

was wondering if he could bring Miss Spears into the car

face complex, pondering why he hadn’t seen

What’s wrong?

suddenly had a question in

did Natalie Spears enter the laboratory in front of him? How did an orphan get into the laboratory?

was impossible for her to master the methods of entering the laboratory like


eyes narrowed.

assistant saw that Julian Graham not only didn’t answer, but his face became even more gloomy. He couldn’t


up when she received

it while eating breakfast.

we sent to Graham Group has been

surprised to see the content

authorization letter delivered to him? What? He didn’t even want a

laboratory several times in a row just for the authorization letter? Julian Graham was foolish,

it be

Spears posted the doubts

be so foolish, it was highly likely that there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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