Chapter 68 An Encounter at the Exhibition

As the door slammed shut, Natalie almost lost her balance. She managed to walk unsteadily to the table and poured herself a glass of lemon water.

Ever since Henry disappeared from Natalie’s world, she had become quite indifferent, rarely experiencing strong emotions.

It had been a long time since she felt this angry… She couldn’t even remember the last time she was angry.

Julian’s behavior today really angered her.

Sipping the refreshing lemon water, Natalie’s breathing gradually calmed down.

She walked slowly up the second floor.

The second floor of the villa had large floor-to-ceiling windows adorned with dark gray curtains. Natalie pulled back the curtains and looked outside through the expansive glass.

She wanted to know what Julian was thinking.

Everything he had said and done today was completely different from her impression of him.

Indeed, as soon as the unrequited love returned, the man’s IQ directly turned negative.

Natalie leaned against the sofa, quietly observing at the man downstairs.

Julian stood in place, with a cold and stern side face, just like the man in her dreams.

But the two are completely different.

In Julian’s eyes, Natalie could see his anger and sharpness.

The bodyguard, who had been standing respectfully in the distance, noticed the CEO’s unusual emotions and quickly walked over to him.

“President, should I open the door?”

Julian stared at the luxurious door with intense anger and sharpness in his eyes, as if he could see through

Just a few days after leaving him, Natalie had completely let go of her disguise and was no longer willing to pretend. She even dared to be so defiant towards him.

So, this was her true nature. The previous gentleness had nothing to do with the present her!

The bodyguard looked at the president’s increasingly dark face and tentatively spoke, “President… Should I

open it?”

There was no answer.

Natalie raised her eyebrows, and the sound insulation in the villa was too good. she could only see the man’s

However, being able to witness Julian’s rage did help alleviate her mood.

stared at the villa for a while

the indifference of the past, indicating that he had regained

bodyguard didn’t dare to speculate on his boss’s intentions and quickly opened the car

with one hand. The fragmented gold tie


reflections that accentuated his cold

sat in the car and leisurely stroked his chin with his

can get the authorization letter, why


gradually disappeared from Natalie’s view. She pursed her lips and stood up from the sofa.

letter to Julian. It was a golden opportunity, but he had rejected

she will not send it again.

the glass of lemon water. Instead, she poured herself a glass of amber-colored wine. The wine in the tall glass intermingled between

swirled the

will cross the bridge when he comes to it.

able to save Graham Group with single-handedly before, she would surely have other ways to

handle this time…

of wine and decided not to meddle anymore.

if Julian came back

that thought in mind, Natalie picked up her

almost instantly, and Ryan’s voice came


do you


gave off a well-behaved impression, and coupled with his slightly excited tone. It inadvertently brightened

would like to ask you to increase the security measures of

“Ryan agreed without hesitation.

Ryan replied and realized

speak, Ryan considered it as an agreement.

with the car he saw parked outside the building that day.

his vigilance was too weak. That car was indeed very

heighten his vigilance. If anything happened to Dr. Spears in the laboratory, not only would Mr. Johnson not let him off the hook, he would also regret it for the rest of his

when I mailed the authorization letter, but I didn’t

immediately admitted his mistake.

the security system and ensure that

light, “It’s not your fault.”

entered the laboratory through it. It’s normal for you to not suspect anything


the same Julian whom he

the laboratory? What for? Was it for the authorization letter or for Dr.

unconsciously clenched

your help,

me.” His tone was resolute, nodding vigorously

up the phone.

was the relationship between Julian and Dr. Spears? Ryan slowly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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