Chapter 96 Your nickname is also Nana?

At the moment when Philip’s voice came from her phone, everyone fell silent.


Niki was momentarily stunned and speechless. Just now, her bold words slowly echoed in her mind, and then her mind went blank.

Natalie was still shaking the glass of wine, and the shaking amber liquor reflected light under the light.

Her face was expressionless.

This is completely discernable.

Niki tried to turn her mind around and said, “What you just said was… you can’t delegate authority to the Graham family?”

It seems like she wanted to find a glimmer of life for myself.

“That’s right.” Philip patiently replied. If he hadn’t just woken up completely, he would have hung up the phone by now.

“It’s not for free. The Graham family will buy it.” Niki added this sentence as if it suddenly came to her mind.

She comforted herself in her heart that even if Philip liked her again, he couldn’t let such a high value authorization fee go. His reply is indeed reasonable.

After saying this, she turned her head and glanced at Mr. Graham.

Although Mr. Graham’s face was gloomy, he didn’t mean to speak up and stop her. Niki relaxed and said, “Philip, I mean.. the Graham family can give you as much money as you want.”

“As much as I want? “Philip’s voice was lazy and scattered.

“Yes.” Niki nodded.

“My answer is also ‘No’.

Upon hearing this, Natalie couldn’t help but curl her lips. Philip always like to give people hope but then. makes them disappointed… He is really good at this.

She drank the wine from the glass in one gulp.

Philip was playing with the flowers in the vase on the other end of the phone, and he thought seriously about


of the New Bleomycin Drug nominally belongs to the Glory group, it was developed by Natalie

to give

he said doesn’t

anything else?

repeatedly rejected. At this moment, her feelings were mixed, but she

could finish speaking, Philip interrupted her.


of the phone hanging up reached Niki’s ears, and she stood still, as if she

Grandpa Graham spoke with only


this moment, this word seemed extremely embarrassing for

it long ago. She looked at Natalie put a dish in front of her and said, “Natalie,

Niki doesn’t exist at all.


the food for her with a hint of command in her tone,” Eating more is the key to good health. You’ve done too much for

Nana, there’s one thing that Auntie still needs to talk to you.” Linda’s hand as she

food paused.

froze and looked at Linda.

like to talk about what you have done


their family, they dare to


is being targeted

this moment, she only

that she knew Philip and could help the Graham family obtain authorization. Now this situation clearly shows that Philip is not familiar with her at all, and the authorization is even more impossible for her to get.

she didn’t know whether

a seat.” a deep male voice carne to her ear, with a faint tone and no emotion in his

face was as calm as a peaceful lake. Niki quickly

took a moment to relax, and then picked up a glass to suppress her

swept over Natalie.

looked at her.

a thought in her heart, and she suddenly spoke out, “Natalie, give

her eyebrows when she

just one word, he let you become the staff of the Glory group, right? “Niki now likes a drowning person

Natalie didn’t speak.

He called my nickname as soon as he answered the phone, didn’t you

and even Linda and Grandpa Graham looked at her.

looked directly at Niki, she was smiling and her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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