Chapter 117 That’s the Spears family

Julian was repeatedly rejected.

At this moment, he was filled with anger. He kept a stiff face, and his already hatchet face looked even stiffer,

exuding a cold aura all over him.

“The mistakes your family made in Los Angeles can be solved by us, or if you are not satisfied with the price,

we can bring it down.”

This was the biggest concession he could make.

The Lance family’s uncooperative attitude made Julian feel rage burning in his heart.

After hearing this, Ann did not answer, clearly not interested in the concessions made by Julian.

Jerry couldn’t help but be nervous, and he looked up at Julian.

Julian’s face became even gloomy.

Natalie raised her eyebrows. Julian, who had always maintained a poker face, showed this expression, indicating that his patience had run out.

Jerry also noticed something was wrong with Julian, so he came to the rescue and said, “Mr. Graham… You

can come and work with us next time you have a project.”

Julian didn’t speak.

Seeing this, Jerry couldn’t understand what Julian meant. After sighing, he sat back down again.

Ann certainly saw Julian’s expression, but she still sat there calmly.

She maintained a calm expression and a faint smile, which was terrifying compared to Jerry’s slightly- flustered expression.

Looking at Ann who was so calm, Natalie got some admiration in her heart. Perhaps in addition to her, there

was no one else that was not afraid of Julian at all in the whole Los Angeles.

That was the Lance family.

Natalie suddenly felt a sense of pride.

So, Julian and Ann returned to their previous standoff, and the room remained striking quiet.

quiet that Natalie couldn’t help yawning, but as soon as she made a

while, the room still remained

calves were already a bit sore, and she really couldn’t stand anymore. The pain would kill

was thinking about sneaking away. The pain in her

turned her head to look at

considered the feasibility of going away

stepped out slightly

was movement not far away,

twisted her eyebrows and locked toward

saw Julian stand up

hurried to ask when

ignored Jerry and took a step forward, walking out without

as he was about to reach to the door, he was stopped by

bodyguards specially trained by the Lance family,

in front of these

Natalie, and she saw

and her

herself inward.

Lance family were strong and tall, and Natalie stood inside, completely

by them, not

bodyguards. His eyes were pitch black, as if polished from top-notch black jade, but

the bodyguards, “What are you doing? Make way for Mr. Graham. Don’t you see that Mr. Graham is

to leave. But the bodyguards froze there and didn’t move,


bodyguards glanced at Ann with

a positive answer, he quickly made

behind also followed

please. If you have any other projects, you may come back to us.” Jerry said as he walked over to Julian and made

back, but his gesture said that he

as possible.

standing in front made way, Natalie

steps with a gloomy expression as

could even feel the sound of her heart beating If

he would definitely think that she had an unclear

and by that time, he wouldn’t give up easily since he had already

a bad mood.

that Jerry could not resist Julian’s pressure and would reveal her identity as

be worth

best not to be discovered by Julian.

out of the

completely disappeared, Natalie’s tense mood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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