Chapter 166 A resurrection

Linda was stunned. “Nana, what did you say?”

“I said I’m willing to grant authority to the Graham family and help them overcome this

crisis, “Natalie lifted her gaze, speaking calmly and unhurriedly.

“Really?!” Linda’s usually composed voice carried a hint of excitement and anticipation.”


Natalie replied calmly, looking down at the brooch tightly clenched in Linda’s hand. “The Graham family left this brooch for Aunt Mills. Please return it to me.”


Linda, who was momentarily overwhelmed by excitement, just remembered that she was still holding onto the brooch.

“Nana, do you want this brooch…?”

Did Nana, just for this brooch, even choose to help the Graham family? Was she not mistaken?

Linda inquired, her eyes probing cautiously.

Linda’s gaze towards Natalie suddenly became cautious, although she had doubts in her heart, she

only showed a hint of inquiry.


Natalie nodded, reaching out to retrieve the brooch.

But halfway through extending her hand, Natalie was stopped by Linda’s gaze. She froze. “Aunt,

what’s the matter?”

Linda quickly waved her hand. “It’s nothing, it’s nothing,” she muttered, glancing at the object one

last time.

She made up her mind and handed the brooch to Natalie.

After all, it belonged to Natalie, and while Linda desired it, she understood that she couldn’t take

something that wasn’t hers.

Moreover, between Graham Group and the brooch, the brooch was always the second choice after not getting Graham Group. Linda clearly knew what to choose, so she straightforwardly handed

over the brooch.

Natalie lowered her head, taking the brooch.

She knew what Linda was thinking.

Deciding to explain directly, Linda said, “Aunt Mills, this brooch was quite expensive when I bought

it… and it holds a special meaning for me. That’s why I wanted this brooch.”

“Otherwise, I would have given it to you as a gift.”

“No need, no need. It’s yours, and Aunt shouldn’t have asked for it,” Linda replied while nodding


the Graham

shook her head. “I wouldn’t consider myself a

her anymore.

now. It’s getting late, and it’s not safe for the driver


repeatedly agreed,

wiped away the half-dried tears on the paper with

can I go

nodded. “Take care

she hesitated

“Nana… Aunt…”

Natalie was about to sit down but stood up again upon

power of attorney for me right now. I haven’t received it yet, and I’m feeling uncertain.”

“Are you asking for

rush? But then she thought to herself, after

is normal.

nodded, “Is it possible?”

the authorization letter at home right. now, I’m afraid I need

take some

Get Blog

repeatedly, “It’s okay, Auntie doesn’t mind waiting.” all she wanted

then, I’ll ask Hugh to go to Dr. Nancy’s lab.”

you please go to the lab and get a copy of the authorization letter? It

there motionless.

“Hmm?” Natalie frowned.

remembered that Hugh didn’t know the layout of the lab. “Then I’ll have Ryan bring it,” even though it

delivered the authorization letter. He arrived

disheveled. He walked

in his hand.

speaking, Natalie hurriedly approached, eager to get

authorization letter.

young man

Ryan, who immediately understood that he had

something slip.

Linda, then quickly corrected

letter for you.

wasn’t enough. He

future. When I go to the lab, it’s to learn from Dr. Nancy,


this, Natalie raised

help, you can also come to me. We’re all working under

other right?”

yes, help each other,” Linda quickly interjected,

who made Natalie sign the

upset her colleague.

to be reluctant, his words filled with impatience.

“Well then.”

pulled out a chair and sat down.

took out the authorization letter from bag and casually glanced at Ryan sitting beside her. “Would

finish her sentence, she blinked her eyes. Was he wearing

inside that

was a hint of dark red color… somewhat like blood?!

to get a closer look at the garment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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