Chapter 231 Cheating?

Jullan looked at the woman with a mixed expression, waiting for an answer.

Natalie deadpanned. “I really don’t have it”

Apparently, no matter what question Julian asked, her answer was no.

As soon as Julian said this, his face went black as fast as the eye could see, and his old chill began to rise.

It was as if Julian had returned to his old ruthless self.

Natalie raised her eyebrows as Julian froze where he was and showed no intention of leaving.

“If Mr. Graham really likes the house, you might consider paying for it.”

“The last thing I like is to take away one’s love. If you want to buy it, I can give you 20% discount.”

In fact, Natalie was going to say that she could just give Julian the house because she’s not short of money.

But then she thought that if she gave the house away, wouldn’t she just let Niki take advantage of it?

She didn’t want that happen.

“If you pay the money, the house will be registered to you at once, and I will pack up and move out overnight.

Is that all right?”

The words were spoken calmly, but unexpectedly carried a hint of mockery.

She said it quietly, but with an unexpected irony..

Even if Natalie was willing to take a 20% discount, the Graham family would have to think twice about


And Julian didn’t really like the house. How could he not understand what she was trying to say.

“Well, I mean really, I’ll sell you the house so you and Niki don’t have to come here all day.”

Julian’s eyelids twitched. “When was Niki here?”

“You don’t know? Natalie sounded surprised.” She’s been here as often as you have.”

She reached out her hand and touched her chin, looking thoughtful.” I’m sure Niki likes it, too, from how often

she visits, and it would make her happy if you paid for it.”


For some reason, the words coming out of Natalie’s mouth made Julian uncomfortable.

Natalie was shocked when the man suddenly groaned. She was so frightened that she didn’t know what to

in the middle of

are you

Chapter 231 Cheating?


to soothe her frightened

I didn’t force you to buy.

Julian looked terrible.

offered you a solution, you decided not to buy the house, so please don’t bother me again, or I will

Natalie looked serious.

eyes. He put his tongue to

Mr. Graham should hurry up, and I

was pleased with Julian’s statement, “You’ve got


hands and walked back to the study without speaking to

His eyes

no intention of leaving. She could not help

the door open that Mr. Graham entered the villa, leaving her employer in a difficult situation.

leave, she’s really not doing enough.

and rich, and she thought it was a little strange that he was hanging

someone else’s house.

the nanny looked at Julian with

nanny looked at him, and he felt very angry.

was it his turn for a nanny to see him in distress? His instinct was to glance away. But halfway through

action, he

was Natalie’s house, after all, and she was Natalie’s servant, so he was in


and picked up

Julian’s willingness to go, A smile lit up her face and she was relieved. “This way.”

nurse to

step out of the door, his eyes were caught by

suddenly constricted..

pair of men’s

Chapter 231 Cheating?


Get Bor

didn’t seem to believe what he was seeing, so he took a few



living with another man?!

head, and all he felt was anger.

sign the divorce papers and Natalie had the nerve to bring

so bold to

he signed the divorce, papers and got the papers, he was still

was his wife in name and daughter–in–law

do such

fire, and as if he was being cheated on.

stop. He’s staring at a pair of slippers. She’s puzzled.

there anything wrong?”

in his chest that Julian could no


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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