Chapter 275 Who are they looking for?

Everyone tuned to the source of the sound. The atmosphere was a bit eerie

for a moment.

Accompanied by the sound of collapsed things, there were more

bodyguards, so overwhelming that it was difficult to identify the number of


So many bodyguards suddenly appeared, with a ferocious and well-equipped

appearance, which was terrifying.

‘What’s going on?’

‘What are so many bodyguards doing?’

Niki leaned against Julian, her eyes filled with suspicion.

However, she was not at all afraid in her heart.

Because she thought they would definitely not come for her, a nobody in ot come for her, a nobody in

New York.

She admitted she was beautiful, but it was impossible for so many people to

come for her.

So she stood next to Julian without any fear.

On the contrary, she was actually a bit happy.

Due to these ferocious bodyguards, the doctor didn’t appear and his plan

was disrupted.

Julian was unable to meet with the doctor, which means that no one can

save his grandpa.

He would be confined to bed in hospital forever and never wake up again.


He would definitely not disturb her and Julian again.

This was completely in line with her wishes.

It even made Niki feel inexplicably excited.

Among the oppressive atmosphere, a bodyguard suddenly stepped forward

and shouted at their leader.

“Doctor. Spears, the venue has been completely blocked.”

“Even a fly cannot fly out.”

“What? Block?”

“Are we trapped here?”

The people immediately started whispering, with doubts, confusion, and

panic in their eyes.

“Is the whole venue blocked? When can we leave?”


even shouted, “Do you know who I

trap me? Do you want

to be so arrogant?” “No one has ever treated me

to be so

furiously angry. “I have to go home now. Don’t waste


spoke, he picked up the briefcase

of the hall.

before he took half a step yet and even as soon

something cold in

up to see

He was startled.

his forehead stood a pitch-black pistol.

on leaving was so scared that he


“I’m not leaving…”


as if it was irrelevant to him. His

contrast with the angry

motionless and looked at the bodyguards with


familiar, as if he had seen him


examined the leader like an eagle.

crowd, Julian finally saw his face


the doctor from the Spears family who treated Oliver


dilated with surprise.

a white medical gown and a pair of gold-rimmed


temperament was radically different from the ferocious

behind him.



the crowd.

is he

felt strange in

Tory, he remained

retreated into the crowd.

“Julian… What’s wrong?”

we hide ourselves?”



know the reason, but

in a mess, except for Yawar. He kept hitting


on the ground. His neck became thick and red from

could only lie on


caught Tory’s attention.

“Sir, please stop.”

in front of Yawar and signaled to

ear to his words and continued, as if



sneered with an air of nonchalance, “It

Tory frowned.


to tell the host that no one can stop me.”

appears today, this person

“Do you want to meet with

if he was dissatisfied with Tory. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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