Chapter 322 A familiar figure
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“Don’t you know her?” Natalie looked at Tory, waiting for his answer.
“I seem to have heard of this name, but she is not one of our family.”
“You heard of this name?” Natalie nodded thoughtfully. Since uncle had heard of Niki’s
name, then Niki didn’t lie
about it.
“Wait a second.”
“Last time I went to the Graham Private Hospital, was the girl in Mr. Graham’s ward called
Niki Linch?”
Natalie raised her eyebrows with great interest.
“Because her name also begins with ‘N’, so I was deeply impressed and remembered her
“That girl has a fair skin, looking quite easy-going,” Tory squinted his eyes and tried to recall
the scene that day.
Tory’s words reminded Natalie of what had happened in the hospital that day, “you have a
good memory, uncle. That girl is indeed Niki Linch.”
Tory grinned proudly, “It seems I’m not old yet. I indeed have a good memory.”
Natalie smiled and nodded.
“Did Niki say she belongs to the Spears Family?” Tory straightened his face and asked.
“Well, that’s so strange. There is no one named Niki in our family.”
So Niki lied??
How could Niki spend all day deceiving others under the name of the Spears Family?
What if she tarnishes the reputation of the Spears Family?
“Is it possible that Niki is a distant relation?” The number of people in the Spears Family was
not very large, but after
counting the distant relations, the number had significantly increased.
“Um… it’s possible.” Tory nodded, “but there are too many distant relatives. I can’t
remember them all.”
Natalie nodded thoughtfully.

“But why do you want to inquire about this girl, Nana?”
“Well… it’s that she has something to do with Lara.”
She had planned to go to the Spears Family’s ancestral hall to look into Nild’s identity.
“She knows Lara… Did she also participate in the exchange meeting?” Tory knew his niece
well, he could tell what she was thinking at a glance.
He keenly smelled something unusual among Natalie’s words.
“Well…” Natalie hesitated for a moment before finally losing out under Tory’s sharp eyes,
“she indeed participated in the meeting. But I am still investigating it. I’m wondering if she is
the mastermind.”
Tory locked his eyes with Natalie, her gaze was calm and composed as if nothing could
leave a mark in them.
Tory knew that Nana could be able to handle it.
He nodded reassuringly.
“If you need any help, just let me know!” Tory patted Natalie on the shoulder.
Julian and Niki took a plane for nearly a night and finally arrived in New York at dawn.
Niki walked off the plane with bleary eyes, followed closely by two bodyguards, holding her
She casually looked up at the sky.
In the distance were the rosy clouds, and a golden ray of sunshine slowly appeared in the
hazy sky.
Niki turned to look at Julian and said, “look! The sky is so beautiful!”
Julian followed her fingers and saw the brilliant morning light. He pursed his lips and nodded
in silence.
“Shall we take a break here first?”
Such a beautiful scenery, such a full romantic atmosphere, she could take advantage of it to
get on Julian’s good side.
Unexpectedly, Julian frowned and said, “Let’s go.”
All he wanted now was to find the Spears Family and ask the divine doctor to treat his
There was not much time left for him since grandpa was desperately ill.
He must hurry up.
Niki rubbed her numb legs and silently followed behind him.
Wasn’t Julian tired? She was run down by a whole night’s flight to New York! Why didn’t
Julian care for her at all!
Nild couldn’t help but think of her past with him.
Streams of cars were belting along the road, the sun shone on the sea and the waves
danced and sparkled. At the highest building of the city, she and Julian nestle together to
enjoy the sunset,
How sweet they were at that time.
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When she felt tired, she could enjoy Julian’s meticulous care; When she was unhappy, he
would comfort her and make her laugh.
But now… Niki couldn’t help but shake her head.
She finally understood now.
Love was tangible.
Love was reflected in every detail of life.
Niki followed Julian, silently muttering in her heart. Unexpectedly, he stopped and she
bumped her head into him.
She covered her head and let out a gasp.
Julian turned around. Niki looked up at his broad shoulders and handsome face.
Did Julian hear her voice and couldn’t bear to let her bustle around?
“Julian…” a glimmer of hope flashed in her heart.
“You lead the way,” Julian said expressionlessly.
As his words fell, a sapphire blue sports car stopped in front of them, the sound of the
wheels rubbing against the ground resounded.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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