Chapter 325 Not everyone is allowed to come in
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“Looking for someone?” Natalie keenly caught these words.
“Yes, Julian and I came to the Spears’ mansion to look for someone.” Niki raised her chin.
and said proudly.
She deliberately emphasized the words “Julian and I”. She was afraid that Natalie.
couldn’t hear her.
Upon hearing Niki’s answer, Natalie frowned in suspicion.
Julian came to find someone?
Who did he want to see? He even came to the Spears’ mansion himself?
Was this person so important? Julian flew in the plane for one night just to see this
Natalie didn’t like Julian, but apart from that, she had to admit that he was serious about. his
work. Once he was immersed in his work, he would forget about eating and drinking for
Julian spent a lot of effort in his company. He seldom really rested.
When Natalie still lived in the Graham’s place, he often got off work until midnight.
And now, Julian left his work behind and came here to New York?
No matter what he needed to do this time, it would waste much of his time.
Why was he willing to leave the company for so long? Wasn’t he afraid that something
would happen to his company?
Natalie began to think. She was curious about who they wanted to see.
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Niki couldn’t let go of any slight expressions on Natalie’s face. When seeing the doubt on
Natalie’s face, she was more excited.
Niki exclaimed exaggeratedly, “Natalie, don’t you know about that?”
“I thought Julian had already told you.”
“He went to find you in the hospital early in the morning. He seems to care about you
very much. I thought he would tell you everything.”
It wasn’t like this actually.
Sure enough, Julian didn’t really care about Natalie. He only visited her out of sudden
“Find me in the hospital?” Natalie froze.
She looked at Julian and said, “Did you go to the hospital to find me?”

Julian froze when hearing this.
The awkwardness and unwillingness he felt that day came again.
He didn’t go to find her in the hospital like a fool, but she transferred secretly. Only he was
He had never been fooled by a woman since childhood.
His self-esteem didn’t allow him to admit this.
“How could I go to find you?” Julian sneered with a hint of contempt on his face, as if he
thought that Natalie’s words were ridiculous. Finally, he added.
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“I advise you to stop thinking nonsense.”
Natalie was stunned by Julian’s words.
He said she was thinking nonsense?
Natalie was angry by his words. She didn’t know whether she should laugh or cry. She
took a deep breath to force her anger back.
Niki said that he went to find her in the hospital, so she asked.
Why did he say that she was thinking nonsense?
So, in Julian’s opinion, whatever she did was to attract his attention?
“Julian, you didn’t go to find Natalie? I remembered that
you did.”
“Did you forget? That morning, the day we were at the hotel…” When Niki mentioned the
hotel, she looked shy.
Seeing Niki twist shyly when mentioning the hotel, Natalie hurriedly looked away.
Her shy appearance was clearly telling others what happened to her and Julian.
“When we were in the hotel that morning, I didn’t see you on the bed when I woke up.
Didn’t you go visit Natalie in the hospital?”
Niki intentionally acted shyly while looking at Natalie with slanted eyes. Her eyes were
filled with smug.
She deliberately emphasized the word “hotel” to make Natalie misunderstand that she
had slept with Julian.
Natalie would definitely be angry to death.
But Natalie was expressionless when she heard this. Niki didn’t see the expression she
wanted to see on Natalie’s face.
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Natalie even had some mockery on her face. She seemed to look down on Niki.
It shouldn’t be like this, right?
She expressed her meaning so clearly, but Natalie was still unmoved?
Niki raised her eyebrows. Okay, Natalie could really manage her temper well.
“You remember wrong,” Julian said coldly with a gloomy face.
“No, I didn’t. Julian, you definitely…”
Niki didn’t seem to notice Julian’s expression. She continued.
Before she could finish her words, she heard an angry roar.
“I said no. Are you questioning me?”
Niki had no idea how she offended Julian. She just found that his gaze turned sharp and
cold. The way he looked at her made her feel that he wanted to kill her.
She was scared and stopped talking.
Fine. Why was he so fierce?
After Julian said this, he walked toward the gate with a cold face, not talking to Niki
Niki quickly followed her.
After she was scolded by Julian, she finally found that something was wrong.
Did he roar at her because he didn’t want Natalie to know that he went to the hospital?
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Niki blinked. She walked while secretly wondering what had happened between Julian.
and Natalie.
They arrived at the gate of the Spears’ mansion.
When they were far away, they couldn’t see clearly. When they came closer, they realized
how magnificent the mansion was.
The huge red copper gate appeared. It looked gorgeous and wonderful. Everyone would
be shocked when standing at the gate.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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