Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Little Punk’s Run Off Again

Madeline could care less about the wealth and possessions of the Quincy family or the Grant family. To her, they were nothing at all!

However, at the very beginning of her ordeal, she had sworn that as long as she was still alive, she would return and have her revenge on Angie!

She would not let Gordon’s murderer go unpunished, neither would she allow those who had framed and vilified her to get off scot-free. She refused to bear the burden of their wrongdoing while they feathered their nests at her expense.

At this point, her assistant Albert respectfully reminded her, “Ms. Grant, Mr. Quincy’s car is already at the foot of the hill. We should go now.”

Madeline’s eyes glittered coldly. She put her sunglasses back on and paid her last respects to Gordon, murmuring, “I have to go now, Gordon. I’ll visit again next time!”

That “next time” would be Angie’s death anniversary!

She made her way carefully down the hill, mindful not to make a misstep in her high heels. “Is everything in place for the charity dinner?!”

“Yes, I’ve already blacklisted Ms. Angie from the Global Charity Banquet! She’s done many charitable things in Gordon’s name, and she’s been dubbed Imperia’s charitable princess, right? Well, she won’t even be able to get through the door to attend the dinner. That ought to show her true colors; let’s see how she’s going to marry into the Quincy family after such a disgrace!”

Madeline nodded in approval. “Well done, Albert. Be sure to keep an eye on Thomas; don’t let him run away and cause trouble.”

Thomas was Madeline’s son and a hell-raising young rascal of the first order.

“Yes, Ms. Grant.”

As the saying went, it was truly a small world after all. While the two of them were making their way down the hill, they unexpectedly ran into Noah and his entourage.

Noah was surrounded by black-garbed bodyguards, but Madeline caught a glimpse of his tall, handsome figure. He was dressed completely in black as well, his dark eyes still as keen and sharp as those of a hawk. Even his simplest gesture seemed to radiate disdain, like a monarch giving orders from on high.

In the intervening five years, he had matured and grown even aristocratically arrogant in bearing. He was definitely not someone to cross.

Under his leadership, the Quinton Corporation had emerged relatively unscathed from its dire straits. In fact, in just those five short years, the entire company had rapidly expanded into the third-largest economic entity in the world. Its market value had soared a dozen times over, making the Quincy family fabulously wealthy and giants of industry in the nation of Tiberos.

Following discreetly behind him was Angie, whom Madeline had also not seen all this while!

Angie was wearing an expensive one-of-a-kind black couture dress. She had taken great care with her makeup, so she was looking particularly radiant today. With a sorrowful expression, she followed Noah, looking for all the world like a helpless, timid young fledgling. The intervening years appeared to have treated her kindly.

Madeline brushed past the entire entourage, ignoring them. She did not even spare Noah a glance. However, from behind her sunglasses, she raked Angie’s face with a frosty stare and smiled derisively.

moment, Angie was blissfully imagining the good life she would have after she became Mrs.

finally managed to dispose of Noah’s young brat of a son, and on the anniversary of Gordon and Madeline’s death, no less. It was

brushed past her, she suddenly felt

beauty before, so she could not help slanting an envious glance at Madeline. Somehow, she felt uneasy, although she found

only grew stronger when the group arrived at Gordon’s grave, and she saw

up amid the gusting winds and stared at the bouquet,

to the mysterious woman she had seen

Quincy family?! Why had she come to pay her respects

who had stood in her way were all dead now. There was no way they could come back from the

moment that someone discovered something was amiss. The person in question was

Colton was Noah’s son and had come with

tracks, his expression hardening. He swept a cold gaze over the people with him and snapped, “What do

with us just now, sir. It’s my fault; I wasn’t

if she had only just discovered the little brat had gone missing. She worked herself into such a state that she looked as if she

of searching frantically everywhere. “How can this have happened? He was right here just now! How

search for him now!”

“Yes, sir.”

not expected that Noah would come with that murdering bitch, Angie, to

would appear that Angie had become entirely too comfortable in Madeline’s absence. She even had the nerve to come

would not

when her perfidious twin sister would kneel before her in tears and beg

her car and drive


looked around, and her gaze fell upon a little boy lying at the foot of the hill leading up to the

expression changed in an instant. Immediately, she

immediately ran over, returning very shortly with the boy in his arms. “Ms. Madeline, he seems to have

and set him down on

little boy’s face was covered in blood, so she could not see his features very clearly. His black suit was also blood-stained, and his breathing was shallow.

injured, that was for sure. He had multiple broken bones and extensive bruising all over his body. If the trees had not broken his fall in the process, he would very likely

have any internal injuries. He also seemed to lead a charmed life because

he could not help looking terrified. He clung tenaciously to Madeline

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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