Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 28

Chapter 28

“You evil bitch! You’re no princess of philanthropy, more like a black widow if you ask me! Everything on the internet is true, don’t be fooled by her!” Asher Walter pointed at Angie and shouted profanities at her from below the stage.

“What nonsense! Security, take him away!” Angie screamed out loud as she saw Asher. She could not be bothered with appearances right now. How dare this fat old man turn up here?!

“Angie Grant is a black hearted woman! Her charity work is just a coverup to fool the public. You and me, we’ve all been fooled! She chopped off my hand just because I was brave enough to speak the truth. We don’t need someone like her representing Imperia, and she most certainly doesn’t deserve this award!” Asher bellowed excruciatingly as he cradled his injured hand.

Murmurs and whispers began as the crowd took in this new information. Is it true? Has their princess of philanthropy been a fake all this time? Was everything said on Facebook true

The charity dinner was a prestigious event attended by Imperia’s wealthiest and most influential who would not stand to be fooled. Many of them left the dinner, but not before demanding for Angie Grant to provide a proper explanation.

The media was naturally in a frenzy trying to get more information, with the paparazzi trying to push past the barricaded entrance. The security staff made a show of fending off the media, but they had received orders not to come to Angie’s protection if the situation escalated.

Noah Quincy was initially furious when the incident broke out and Angie was covered in red paint. He was ready to teach Asher a lesson himself. However, he halted his actions after listening to Asher’s speech and seeing his decapitated hand. He wanted to hear the truth for himself too.

He strode purposefully toward the VIP table looking for one woman in particular. As expected, Madeline was watching the horror show unfolding in front of her with a hint of glee in her eyes. It was almost as if she had expected this to happen tonight.

“Ms. Grant, is there any truth to what the man said? Did you really hire someone to chop his hand off?”

“Ms. Grant, what do you have to say about doing charity as a coverup? Have you fooled the people of Imperia?”

you give a statement on

not true, it’s all lies!” Angie defended herself. She was already feeling suffocated as the red paint on her skin began to harden. The questions from the

The trophy and her face were smeared in red paint.

finished. All those years she spent building up her

internet searches and blackmailing the committee into giving her the award!” Asher Walter announced to the crowd as he connected his phone to

Angie’s unscrupulous behavior was clear for everyone to see. Angie could see her reputation

appeared after Asher Walter’s video footage ended. He did not put up a fight as they lazily cuffed and escorted him out of the

no way of defending herself after watching the footage. She sat barefoot

her willpower, she crawled toward him

must believe me. All those things they said about me, it’s not true! It’s alright if they don’t believe me, as long as you do. Noah, do you

expression on his face. Eventually, he bent down and offered his arm to her. Angie took

watched this unfold, the noise and commotion in the ballroom died down. They could say all they wanted to say about Angie

and injured as she held on to Noah’s arm, believing he had bought her act. Noah, however, firmly pushed Angie to a side once

charity activities, this matter gravely implicates the Quincy family’s reputation as well. I will be sure to conduct a thorough investigation into these allegations and give the public a proper explanation,” Noah announced in front of the cameras before walking off

Noah. There was a frigid tension in the air as he walked past

desolate as she watched Noah walk away from her. She felt her world spinning into darkness

Hudson, who was busy stuffing himself with food as all the drama unfolded, chased after his boss as he saw him leaving the

Ms. Grant has fainted…” Wayne huffed, caught off guard by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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