Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The golden dagger flew past Bruno, almost nicking his ear in the process. When he realized what had happened, he was so terrified he almost wet himself!

The dagger had a folded strip of paper attached to it. Bruno waited for a moment to be sure that no more weapons would come flying at him before he slowly detached the strip of paper and unfolded it.

Written in a small, elegant script was a message.

“Daddy dearest, why do you and Mom insist on mistreating my son? He’s your grandchild after all, and he’s just a little boy still. How can you treat him like that? I can’t understand it at all, so I have no choice but to return and sort this matter out with the two of you.”

When Bruno read this, his brow knitted tightly together. This had to be a malicious prank. However, when he saw that the signature was Madeline’s, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat!

Madeline? How could this be? She had been dead for ages; how could she possibly come back from the grave after so many years?

The thought of it made Bruno’s scalp prickled, and he felt an icy hand clutch at his heart.

“Kingsley! Kingsley!”

“I’m here, Mr. Bruno sir, what’s the matter?” Kingsley, the Grant family’s butler, came hurrying over. He noticed that his master’s face was as white as a sheet as if something had frightened him badly and hastily moved to support him.

“It’s Madeline! She’s come back!”

“Sir, do you mean Ms. Madeline? She died five years ago, though, didn’t she?” Kingsley was puzzled and assumed that Bruno had become confused in a moment of senility. Patiently, he corrected his master, attempting to help him upstairs so he could lie down and rest.

At this moment, something shattered the wall of the villa. Glass and tiles went flying everywhere.

Bruno scarcely had time to take in what was happening before the grappling hook that had been hurled through the wall tightened. In an instant, the entire wall was ripped out of the Grant residence.

Bruno could only stare in stunned disbelief.

house was

in the living room, but now that

of this outrage, but his path was immediately blocked by a

at the parquet flooring,

jelly. “Run for it, Kingsley! Someone’s trying to kill me!” He

villa collapsed with a thunderous

collapsed limply to sit on the ground. Despair engulfed him in a massive wave. He

him into

mind was spinning. Gradually, however, despair and hopelessness overcame his

very moment, Madeline was alive and well, sitting atop the roof of her car with a crossbow in

satisfaction at the blazing inferno, she hopped

feel much better, even though she had let Bruno off this time. The darkness in her heart had lightened

Madeline! As

Dressed in a pastel pink evening gown, she looked thoroughly out of place in the gaudy, glitzy

had taken particular care in dressing up. She was now seated in a spot that he was sure to pass on his way to the private

pig-headed fool and kidnapped Colton, she would not have needed to take such a

grandchild would certainly not be invited to the

in the entire

Noah! She had no choice but to find another way around the situation. As long

There were still ten minutes to go, but he was nowhere in sight. Quite

entertainment were things she had indulged in previously until she grew tired of them. She knew better than anyone why these men were trying to approach her. They were all unattractive and as ugly as toads, yet they still wanted to attach

the lounge before Noah’s arrival, trying her best to keep a low profile and not

her eventually. “Ooh look, isn’t

man with a large head, large ears, and an equally large rotund stomach. He practically

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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