Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 149

Aggresive Wife Chapter 149

Concurrently, at the Maple Forest Villa, Madeline was busy sailing the ship between her beloved husband and Dylan ever since she had come across the sight of them wrangling one another.

She even began to reflect on how she hadn’t noticed the relationship between the two being oddly suspicious.

Thomas woke up hungry and made a beeline for the kitchen with Colton in tow to have Albert prepare them some pastries.

Colton quickly got bored and got into his smart chair to check on the stock data.

It seemed he wasn’t interested in partaking in afternoon tea with Thomas.

Despite his distant behavior, he wasn’t averse to having others bother him.

When Madeline came trotting down the stairs, it was Colton who first noticed the abnormal smile she wore on her face.

“Did something good happen, Mommy?”

“Of course. I found out…” Madeline reflexively wanted to share the gossip, but she suddenly realized that it was her son who asked the question and shut up.

She changed the subject.

“I found out we can go pick out matching parent-child outfits! Ha…haha…” It was fortunate that she was witty.

“Matching parent-child outfits? With Daddy too?” He asked placidly.

“Umm… about that…” Madeline felt torn. That was just a random excuse she had made up. Parent-child outfits tended to be on the cute and cartoonish side. Even she had no idea whether or not Noah would be willing to wear something like that!

“Well, something like that has to be worn together as a family.” Noah was done changing out of his clothes just in time to pick up the conversation while Madeline was at a loss.

She wore an awkward smile on her face. I just said that in passing…

Before she could even signal to Noah, Thomas came running in on his short, stubby legs.

one out for Baymax too!

Anything for you,

me if I said it was just something I said

the notion of it being cute. “Do we have to pick something childish?” He had never worn anything of the sort with his family before this and was a tad eager to

and Thomas pretended not to

skillfully climbed his

were father and

helplessly and approached

we can

are slim.” The child swept both his father and brother

it and do nothing?” She refused to admit she was jealous to

if Mommy agreed to stay with Daddy, then our parent-child outfits can be made into

was now

dearest son! It sure doesn’t feel like

the scene and pretend

for Thomas to get in her

to help us with them? I

off when she heard Elise

makes really

Elise for such a small matter. She’s a very busy designer!” Madeline gesticulated

said she was catching up on a drama. I told her about the parent-child outfits and she told

“What? Elise is coming?”

and Uncle Dylan were also here and

“She’s on her way!”

every message to

wanted nothing more than to stick her head into

secretly took a photo of Noah and Dylan

outfits were a

apologetic look when she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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