Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 158

Aggresive Wife Chapter 158

“Sure thing, I’ll go right away!” Andy responded. Before he left the room, he quickly grabbed hold of the ‘patient’ who had been lying on the bed pretending to be a severely injured Madeline. “Cooper, c’mon, let’s go! You’re taking this role a little too seriously. The show’s over, buddy!”

Cooper got up in a daze, still wrapped up in gauze and bandages like a mummy and walked out of the room together with Andy. “Andy, you didn’t see how crazy that woman was! She just pulled the tubes out of a severely injured patient with zero hesitation! I’m pretty sure I’m traumatized for life now,” Cooper recalled his encounter with a certain Suzette Grant.

Andy and Cooper’s conversation faded into the background as they walked away from Madeline. However, truth be told, she was still a mixed bag of emotions. The person she had known as her mother for years hated her so much that she attempted to kill her. At least we’re not biologically related, Madeline consoled herself.

Bruno was so excited about the livestream event that he could barely sleep at night. He got up as soon as daylight broke, waiting impatiently for evening to roll around when the livestream would take place. Orange Entertainment had already transferred $150,000 to his bank account and signed the contract with him. As long as the livestream went on successfully tonight, he would be entitled to the remaining payment and the deposit for the next livestream.

was at least $450,000, which was more lucrative than any direct selling business. He could not wait to return to the lifestyle of the

to come home?” Bruno had always let Suzette do whatever she wanted, but things were about to change now that he was going to be a famous livestream host! How could she leave her husband starving at home?! Bruno grumbled as he picked up his phone to give his wife a call, but the call went straight to voicemail. He was about to give her another call when

night. A surveillance camera at one of the nearby shops caught the image of the perpetrator,” Kingsley

all this trouble?” Bruno demanded to know. He almost passed out after hearing about the


we owe him any money?” Bruno thought the name sounded familiar. As the CFO of their company, he was at least partially at fault when the company lost tens of billions of dollars. If it was not for Suzette who pleaded on his behalf, he would not have merely

as I know, we do not owe him any money. It was

for my blood!” Bruno yelled. He was exasperated with the rising cases of sabotage and extortion lately. However, James Lowe was a mere ex-CFO of his company. What grudge could he possibly have against him, and how

“Umm…” Kingsley hesitated.

I have no time for your stammering!” Bruno scolded his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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