Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 168

Chapter 168

“Lone Wolf? What are you doing here?” Madeline said in astonishment. She struggled through the words as the thread remained tightened around her neck.

“They are coming. Quick, hide!” Lone Wolf whispered as he shoved the woman into a nearby room. Confused by the situation, Madeline’s first instinct was to follow suit and hide in a corner. Someone was rushing down the corridor as she fought to gather her breath. She could feel Lone Wolf’s uneasiness rising as the footsteps approached. Her curiosity regarding the individual’s identity was piqued.

The person must be fearsome enough to worry Lone Wolf, a top-tier killer.

When the footsteps became more distant, Lone Wolf breathed a sigh of relief and helped Madeline to her feet. “It isn’t safe here. Follow me!” the man immediately pulled her and left the room.

However, Madeline broke free from his grip before he could make it out of the door. She said in a hushed tone, “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on. Also, how did you even recognize me? I thought I did a great job in disguising myself.”

“I told you I’m can’t be duped easily. I base a person’s identity on their body structure rather than their appearance.” Lone Wolf glanced at Madeline and smiled confidently.

“Body structure?”

unmistakably unique. We must never kill the wrong person.

the body structure. It was her

He continued before she could probe further, “There’s no need to

changed the subject by remarking, “You are right. However, I’m curious why

by a menacing smile. “All right then, the game

place as quickly as possible. Although she did not know

Her heart raced as she heard Lone

appeared to be stuck on the third floor indefinitely. In a panic, she dashed to the stairwell and began rushing down the steps. Lone Wolf knew Madeline’s whereabouts when he heard the door open. However, he did

was overjoyed to see the exit door and thought she

open the door, she was met with an unexpected sight. It was a laboratory made of clear glass. There was no one inside,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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