Aggresive Wife

Aggresive Wife Chapter 170

Chapter 170

“Mrs. Quincy’s location has disappeared. Did she realize she was being followed?” Wayne asked as he had been driving based on the GPS location displayed on the screen. Despite having only a few interactions with Madeline, he could tell she was not easily duped.

Noah looked at the map and instructed, “Find out where the last known location is and drive there, fast.”

After Wayne restarted the system, he was surprised to see the last known location at Blue Sky Mental Hospital. Surprised, he asked, “What’s Mrs. Grant doing at a mental hospital?”

Noah fought a rising panic when he saw the location. This is not a dating site. Why did Madeline end up in a mental institution? Did she make a discovery?

Fear crossed his face as he considered the worst-case scenario. He hurriedly dialed Dylan’s number, who answered in a matter of seconds. “I was about to call you, Noah. Maddie might be in trouble!” The man was already driving to Madeline’s last known location.

A few minutes ago, Dylan walked into a pub, ready to have a great time with the ladies. However, he noticed an anomaly in Madeline’s monitoring data before the celebration started. Her heart rate spiked briefly before decreasing to an abnormally low level. In disbelief, he leaped from the sofa, grabbed his phone, and dashed to the car without waiting to collect his jacket. He had planned to call Noah after he got on the road. To his astonishment, the man approached him first.

“Calm down, what’s going on?” Noah kept his cool and asked Dylan.

heart rate was extremely low. Her other vitals were unstable too. It seems like she’s either unconscious or on

he heard the news. “Where’s she now?” he asked

Sky Mental Hospital. I’ll

Noah said before hanging up the

hear the phone conversation, he could tell something was wrong when Noah’s expression worsened. “Did

instructed, “Send the special

the gravity of the situation and instantly relayed his instructions to the

as he

following the woman’s location until they realized something was wrong. Hence, they arrived at Blue Sky Mental Hospital in

in sight at the hospital’s entrance. It seemed strangely silent as if it had been vacated.

Noah noticed no one was nearby, he exited the vehicle and made his way to the main

uttered. He accompanied Noah while keeping a close eye on

and investigate. Be

live video streaming of a surveillance camera in the hospital. She felt limp

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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