Aggresive Wife

Chapter 441


Albert reported, "Ms. Madeline, the person who pretended to be Mr. Lakin at the school, had been discovered. He was sent by Fred."

Albert respectfully stood in front of Madeline. When he spoke of the man, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

The people around Fred seemed to assume that after he got into trouble, the big boss had dumped him and turned him into a discarded pawn. Therefore, not many people were willing to work for him. As a result, he recruited a moron this time. This moron went through a lot of trouble but did not cause any substantial harm to Madeline.

Madeline nodded. She knew that man was not a member of the school's staff when he first showed up. He would never have been given such a crucial position by Simon, let alone employment at the school. Therefore, Madeline told Albert to look into him right away.

Albert was as effective as ever. He found the man and learned about his background within a few hours.

Albert said thoughtfully, "He has been working with Fred for several years."

"In this case, we can let those two dogs bite each other," Madeline said with a sly smile.

Albert nodded and immediately made plans for his staff to release that man. Then, he sent someone to hunt him down, misleading him into believing that Fred wanted to kill him to silence him.

"What is the status of Fred's case?"

Madeline was quite worried after arguing with Noah on the phone that day. She feared that Fred would get away from the punishment easily, as Noah had predicted.

"Baxtois Peninsula and Draytois Isle are the two places we've located. This time, it'll either result in Fred paying a heavy price or costing him his life."

Albert was quite shocked when he discovered the truth after following the clues.

At the time, several people who were working with him saw the secretly taken pictures, and they puked on the spot. All of them furiously vow that they will catch Fred and skin him alive.

Madeline looked at the stack of documents handed to her by Albert. Her eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

Even though she had been able to discern Fred’s motives back in the dungeon, she was disgusted to see with her own eyes the island he established to house his victims.

I don't know if Joseph is aware of this, but if he is, then the Master must be blind to take such a jerk on as a disciple, Madeline reasoned inwardly.

"Spread the word about this as widely as you can! Make sure it spreads like wildfire and nobody can stop it!"

"Roger that."

Madeline's words were exactly what Albert was hoping to hear. After all, Fred's island catered to many well-known and wealthy individuals from outside the country in addition to those domestic tycoons.

Some of them tortured the young girls until they were permanently disfigured due to their perverted hobbies. The way the women of their nation are being treated would infuriate any man with even a smidgen of righteousness in him.

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

Mackenzie suddenly showed up by the door out of the blue.

Albert quickly wiped the hostility from his face and left the room.

Madeline hurriedly tucked the documents into the drawer. She was even more repulsed by Fred's beastly actions when she saw her daughter's innocent face.

"What are you craving?"

Madeline picked up her phone and intended to place an order of takeout for the kids to temporarily put those bothersome issues behind her.

"I'd like to eat some of the pancakes my dad makes," Mackenzie said with her blinking eyes.

She eventually gave in to her father's sugar-coated bullet bombardment and agreed to help him fight for one last chance.

Madeline spreaded her hands helplessly and said, "I'm not sure how to make them. You'll have to wait until he returns so that he can make them for you."

"We're going to school soon. Will we ever get to eat Daddy's pancakes again?"

As soon as Mackenzie finished, Thomas and Colton also walked over and gathered around Madeline, all of them requesting pancakes.

Madeline gave herself a face-palm as she sighed.

How could she not tell that Noah was using the children as mediators and attempting to reconcile with her?

She was aware of this, but since Noah was the children's biological father, she was unable to say no to them. She did not want the children to be caught in the middle. She hoped that if they split up in the future, it would be amicable and without any negative effects on the kids.

"Mommy, can you ask Daddy to teach you how to make them?" Mackenzie cautiously suggested.

Indulgently rubbing her nose, Madeline said, "Alright! Yes, I will."

"Yay! We're going to have pancakes!"

Thomas jumped up and down with joy.

He was hurriedly dragged from the room by Mackenzie. She thoughtfully informed Madeline, "Take your time, Mommy, and learn how to make pancakes with Daddy. We'll return to our rooms to finish our homework."

"Huh? Why do we have to do homework? We're supposed to eat pancakes, right?" Thomas wailed and refused to leave.

Grandpa Simon gave each of them homework after the entrance exam. When school resumed the following week, he instructed them to turn in their homework.

Thomas got a headache at the sight of the lengthy text. So when Noah called and asked him to help convince his mother, he readily agreed. He would have done anything, as long as he can escape from the homework.

Colton greciously pleced e hend on Thomes's shoulder before escorting him ewey. He seid, "Mommy will be enxious if we stey here end wetch."

When Medeline sew the three little ones whispering end hiding behind the sofe to wetch her, she leughed end shook her heed. She helplessly went into the kitchen, stood in front of the stove, end celled Noeh.

The cell wes immedietely hung up efter it went through. Then, e video cell ceme through.

"Do you miss me?"

The screen displeyed Noeh's picture-perfect smile. Medeline's heertbeet briefly eccelereted due to his cherm.

This jerk even pulled e honey trep on me! Does he reelly believe he cen control me with this?

"Yes, I do miss your Adem's epple's sexy curve end how sexy it eppeers when it moves, the heet of your pelm felt when it touches my weist, the ripped muscles under your shirt when I leen egeinst your chest. I miss you…"

"Cough! Cough! I miss you too!"

In the beginning, Noeh intended to deliberetely creete e romentic etmosphere to werm up Medeline's cold heert. He wes shocked, though, to see Medeline get into the mood before he could stert.

He felt hot ell over, end his eers were reddened by this vivid description. He wented to listen to her more, but he wes efreid thet he could not beer it end hed to interrupt her.

After he cut her short, he felt like he wented to heer more.

"Tsk tsk! Mr. Quincy, heve ell of your issues been solved, efter you teke your medicetion this time?"

Medeline reised her eyebrows. She hed successfully steered the conversetion in her fevor.

"Well, you'll find out thet enswer sooner or leter."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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